Is Plantar Fasciitis An Epidemic? Local chiropractor can help with your pain

Why is Plantar Fasciitis is becoming a problem in our community?

Over the years our shoes have changed, we walk on hard surfaces all day long and we sit for long hours everyday without exercising our feet the way we should.  We also wear sandals that slide and we have to grip our toes while walking.

How does Plantar Fasciitis happen?

The plantar Fascia underneath our feet helps us to move our feet when we walk.  It is made of ligamentous tissue and when stretched too far, it will inflame and become tender and sore. Our bones in our feet are meant to move and glide on dirt and adhere to surfaces.  Now that we walk on hard surfaces all day long, owe slam our bones on the ground and our slam on our fascia.  

The plantar fascia goes from our heel to our toes.  When it is tight, it pulls on the toes creating "hammer toe" and also pulls on the heel which can cause a heel spur which leads to a lot of pain.  

What are the risk factors for Plantar Fasciitis?

  • Age: As we get older it is more common  (40-60 years old is most common age)
  • Long distance running, ballet dancing, aerobic dance but many other sports may irritate the fascia
  • Improper foot biomechanics: dropped arch, high arch, rolling on the outside of the big toe, landing too far on the heel when walking
  • Weight: Obesity can put a lot of stress on your joints, your feet have to hold the extra weight and the stress can be too much for the joints
  • Standing too long or on hard surfaces

    What can chiropractic do for Plantar Fasciitis?

    Adjustments to the spine and feet help with walking biomechanics and makes sure the whole body is working together.  Our joints need to move correctly in order for stress and irritation to be kept at bay.  Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP, ANF can do treatments to your feet. She uses tools to help with the fascia and cold laser to keep swelling and pain down.  Our San Francisco, CA and San Carlos, CA office has helped many people with pain from Plantar Fasciitis.  Contact us today!


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