What Is A Disc Herniation? How can chiropractic help?

What is a herniated disc?

A herniated disc is when the spinal disc pushes out into the spinal canal where the nerves branch out.  This results in symptoms of back pain, leg pain and/or weakness of the legs. 

What are the spinal discs made of? 

The disc lies between each vertabrae of the spinal column.  

The outside of the disc:

Annulus fibrosis is rigid and can take the pressure of gravity on the spine but can rip when there is excessive twisting.  

The inner portion:

Nucleus Pulposus is like a gel. This is soft until around the age of 40 and then starts to dry up a bit. 

If this portion leaks out because of a tear of the Annulus Fibrosis, it will put pressure on the nerves exiting the bone.  This causes pain, numbness, tingling in the areas supplied by those nerves. 

What causes spinal discs to herniate? 

It happen with a fall or accident or can occur over time with stress to the spine.  Many people live with a herniated disc but it is when the nerve is irritated and swells that it begins to cause symptoms. 

What other symptoms can occur with a disc problem? 

1. Shocks that shoot down the leg, arm or back 

2.Tingling and numbness 

3. Pins and needles

4. Bowel or bladder dysfunction: This may lead to what is called Cauda Equina Syndrome which is an emergency.  if there is numbness in the groin area and rectal area it is very serious. 

How is a disc diagnosed?

A thorough examination is performed and if treatment is performed with no improvement, an MRI is recommended. 

What can chiropractor do for a herniated disc? 

Chiropractic has a high success rate with herniations.  We are proficient with moving the bones in the proper alignment and freeing up the nerve.  This caused inflammation to go down and the body to relax.  You can live with a herniation as long as your core and spine are moving correctly and not inflaming.  

Chiropractors help the spine and discs stay healthy and moving correctly.  Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP, ANF may also give exercises to patients to strengthen the core. She can keep the body healthy and moving properly making sure that the herniation does not swell and cause symptoms.  Contact our office in San Francisco, CA or San Carlos, CA to find out how chiropractic can help with your health and wellness needs.  


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