
Viewing 1 - 11 out of 11 posts

New Evidence Showing "No Excess Risk Of Carotid Artery Stroke After Chiropractic Care"

There is a lot of talk about this regarding chiropractic care.  With this in mind, I wanted to put out this article that was published in the Journal of Stroke Read More

Musicians and injuries: How a chiropractor can help

Continued stress from these different areas will cause the body to tighten up and effect your posture, spine and muscles. The nervous system will be effected and then effect all the areas that the nervous system sends signals to. This is called a subluxation. Read More

What Jobs Are More At Risk For Back Problems?

The study conducted by the BCA surveyed 2,374 people, found that 59% of the working population, in the top category at risk for back problems, sit down all day. Read More

Head Forward or looking down: Bad Posture Can Cause Headaches

It is very common for patients to come into my office with headaches and stress on their neck.  This isn't much of a surprise since most people work at a Read More

Chiropractic vs. Out Patient Care For Low Back Pain

Low back pain can be debilitating.  It is hard to sleep, walk, work or move without feeling pain in the low back.  Chiropractors are experts in low back pain and get Read More

10 Common Reasons For Seeing A Doctor!

Chiropractors can help with all of these issues by having you incorporate healthy lifestyle changes and keep your body moving properly. You don’t need to suffer with back pain our San Francisco, CA Chiropractic office or San Carlos, CA chiropractic office can help! Read More

Chiropractor gives 3 tips to prevent injuries while doing Yoga

Yoga can be very physically challenging and hard on your joints so knowing your limits will allow you to prevent injuries. Read More

Are swimming exercises are good for back pain? How to rehab with exercise and body work

The anatomy of the neck and spine is very complex and is composed of seven vertebrae surrounding the spinal cord, which extends downward from the brain. Stretching outward from the spinal cord are nerves which travel to muscles and other tissue throughout the body. Read More

What Is A Disc Herniation? How can chiropractic help?

A herniated disc is when the spinal disc pushes out into the spinal canal where the nerves branch out. This results in symptoms of back pain, leg pain and/or weakness of the legs. Read More

Is Carrying A Backpack Healthy For My Child?

Research has shown that kids backpacks can be up to 30% of their body weight. That is pretty heavy and to carry this load several days a week can have some huge affects on the body! Read More

Dizziness, Vertigo and Meniere's Disease how a chiropractor can help

When fluid builds up in the inner ear it can eventually bursts and affect sur­rounding areas of the ear. This causes vertigo and other damage to occur. Read More

Viewing 1 - 11 out of 11 posts


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