Is Carrying A Backpack Healthy For My Child?

Most kids carry heavy backpacks with school supplies.  I often suggest having one on wheels but kids are not too excited about it because it is not "cool" and opt to wear it over the shoulder just like the other kids.  

When they wear a backpack, many times it is carried over one shoulder.  What this does is pull on one side of the neck and can cause one shoulder to be higher than the other.  It will also put stress and strain on the shoulder and neck muscles.  Over time, this can start to cause postural problems, headaches and neck pain. 

Often these backpacks are so heavy and kids often bend over to carry the weight.  This pushes their head forward causing more stress on the neck and shoulders.   

Research has shown that kids backpacks can be up to 30% of their body weight.  That is pretty heavy and to carry this load several days a week can have some huge affects on the body! 

Carrying a backpack, looking down at phones and computers all put postural stress on the body.  In time, this stress on the back, neck and spine, leads to headaches, muscle pains, pain when moving the limbs and other symptoms.  Putting stress on the muscles and spinal column puts stress on the whole body.  Especially when we are young.  

Posture can be greatly affected because children are still very flexible and growing.  Please choose ergonomic backpacks that put less stress on the back and shoulders and ALWAYS have both straps around the shoulders to prevent unnecessary stress on the body.  This will enable your child to have a fighting chance against postural problems in the future! 

Here are some things to look for when buying a backpack: 

  • Padded backs to help reduce pressure on shoulders, arms and back
  • Belts for the hip and chest to aide in proper weight distribution
  • Multiple compartments so that items can be placed in the pack with better balance and distribution plus keeping them secure and easy to access
  • Stabilizing compression straps on the sides and bottom to help secure and compress the contents
  • Reflective patches to increase pre-dawn or night safety

Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP, ANF is an expert at helping patients find solutions for patterns that may be putting strain on your body.  She offers lifestyle advice and can help with posture, sports and all around wellness.  Contact our San Francisco, CA or San Carlos, CA office today!


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