
Viewing 1 - 12 out of 12 posts

How does pain work?

Most patients that come to see me are in pain and do not know why or how it happened. Acute or chronic pain can be explained and there is a Read More

Why posture matters and how chiropractic can help

Few of us realize the importance of posture to our health and performance. The human body craves alignment. When we are properly aligned, our bones, not our muscles, support our weight, reducing effort and strain. Read More

Can I Still Be Hurt after a car accident when there is little damage to my car?

Think of being tackled on the street by person and you can imagine being hurt right? Well, a car weighs a lot more than a human being and even though you are strapped in and have airbags, it is still a large mass that has slammed into you. This causes damage. Read More

Fantasy Football, Posture & Food: Chiropractic Tips For A Healthy Football Season

Some of us love fantasy football. We used to watch football on weekends and now instead of one day of football we get three days a week! That is great, but what that can lead to is eating junk, slouching on the couch for hours and enduring hours of stress hoping our player or team is gonna do well. Please be mindful of posture during the games. Read More

What Jobs Are More At Risk For Back Problems?

The study conducted by the BCA surveyed 2,374 people, found that 59% of the working population, in the top category at risk for back problems, sit down all day. Read More

Head Forward or looking down: Bad Posture Can Cause Headaches

It is very common for patients to come into my office with headaches and stress on their neck.  This isn't much of a surprise since most people work at a Read More

Chronic Neck Pain After A Car Accident

A cohort study of 919 randomly sampled Saskatchewan adults with no or mild neck pain in September 1995. At baseline, participants were asked if they ever injured their neck in a motor vehicle collision. Six and twelve months later, they were asked about the presence of troublesome neck pain (grade II–IV) on the chronic pain grade questionnaire. Read More

10 Common Reasons For Seeing A Doctor!

Chiropractors can help with all of these issues by having you incorporate healthy lifestyle changes and keep your body moving properly. You don’t need to suffer with back pain our San Francisco, CA Chiropractic office or San Carlos, CA chiropractic office can help! Read More

Impingement Sydrome vs. Frozen Shoulder

Impingement Syndrome and Frozen Shoulder are very similar. They both effect the shoulder joint but there are some differences. Lets look at both and see what the differences are and you and chiropractic can do about them. Read More

Chiropractor gives 3 tips to prevent injuries while doing Yoga

Yoga can be very physically challenging and hard on your joints so knowing your limits will allow you to prevent injuries. Read More

Is Carrying A Backpack Healthy For My Child?

Research has shown that kids backpacks can be up to 30% of their body weight. That is pretty heavy and to carry this load several days a week can have some huge affects on the body! Read More

What supplements should everyone be taking?

Staying healthy takes work.  Everyday habits can keep you healthy or keep you sick.  Here are some tips on how to remain healthy. Avoid foods that cause headaches and allergic reactions. Read More

Viewing 1 - 12 out of 12 posts


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