
Viewing 1 - 16 out of 37 posts


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Hashimoto’s disease (weight gain, fatigue and a plethora of other symptoms): what are your options?

Wearable medical devices can be worn for 3-5 days. Your body heals on its own. No drugs, no surgery. Now that is real healing! Read More

Why do we feel pain and how can chiropractic help?

Why do pain and symptoms keep happening again after I stop treatment? I hear this all of the time. One thing to know is that a symptom may have been lurking Read More

Wellness Care v. Sick Care. What is the real difference?

What is real wellness care? Most people who live in the United States believe they are getting health care when purchasing an insurance plan or when using one.  Sadly, most insurance Read More

Doula Or Midwife? What To Consider When Choosing Between Them

Precise Moves Chiropractic is referred by many Doula's and Midwives to help prepare for birth and help with breech position. Contact us today to see how The Webster Technique can help you and your baby! Read More

Phases Of Chiropractic Care... What Are They?

There are 3 phases of care that people must go through to make sure you don't get back in pain and can live life without major restrictions. Read More

What Do Chiropractors Really Do?

We can help with almost any malfunction that is occurring because we work with the master system (nervous system). Read More

9 Reasons Why You Don't Get A Flu Shot!" width="438" height="292" />Flu symptoms are not fun and most of us don't want to lose work because we are home with the flu and if we have families, it Read More

About Your Insurance And Chiropractic Care

Insurance is confusing. Especially when it comes to coverage. If a doctor is "in network" that means that they have a relationship between the patient, the doctor and the insurance company Read More

Hospitals and Surgery vs. Chiropractic Costs For Care

Patients are often concerned when coming in for care that chiropractic care can be expensive. Staying healthy does cost money. Going to the gym, eating organic foods, body work and mental health care are all services that require payment. Read More

The Great Effects of Frankincense Oil - Fight Cancer

Frankincense oil has been found to be helpful in treating rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease and even different types of cancer.  Frankincense For Cancer, how is it helpful? It helps kill the cancer Read More

Gut: What can you do to keep it healthy

Scientists that were experimenting with fruit flies in order to try and understand how some people remain in good health well into old age are finding out that it might have something to do with the gut. Read More

Help with Insomnia: SF Bay Area Chiropractic tips

Insomnia can really drain your body and put stress on your systems. Sleeping is when we regenerate and heal. Sleeping relaxes our body helps relieve stress. So, getting at least 7 hours sleep per night is pretty essential for staying healthy. Read More

Top 10 Chiropractic Medical Research Studies in support of chiropractic

Chiropractic is always a good step to take if a patient has been referred for back surgery. Now the Journal of the American Medical Association just published its low back pain guidelines and suggested that people suffering from back pain first try chiropractic before resorting to surgery. This is not widely known by the public but should be so that many people avoid unnecessary surgery and remain mobile and pain free. Read More

Are Perfumes and Cleaning Supplies Toxic?

Did you know that Perfume and other types of fragrances are the single largest category of cosmetic products? Hair gels and supplies, facial creams and eye cosmetics are the kings Read More

Picky Eaters" Do They Have Anxiety Issues Later in Life?

Children who are picky eaters may have bigger problems than a lack of a well-balanced diet. Read More

Why is Sugar Bad For You?

Not all types of sugars are bad.  Here are different types of sugars and the affects they have on your system: Glucose: Glucose is a simple sugar that your body likes.  All Read More

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