Find out how a San Francisco Chiropractor can help with chronic pain.

If you know anyone in pain, they will tell you that it can be debilitating and halt job performance and daily activities.  

Here are the most common painful conditions most people experience:  

1. Herpes Zoster (Shingles): This condition happens when we are stressed and do not have a strong immune system.  

2. Frozen Shoulder: This can be severely painful and limit mobility greatly. 

3. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: Pain in one area such as the hand, foot, leg, arm.  This can be pain or "pins and needles".  

4. Slipped Disc: This irritates nearby nerves and worsens after sitting, standing, walking short distances or a specific movement.  

5. Arthritis: Dull or achy pain that is caused by wear and tear on the joints and inflammation

6. Headaches: These can be from stress, food allergies, posture and lifestyle habits

7. Sciatica: Pain that goes from the buttock down to the foot.  It can be on one side or both sides.

8. Trigeminal Neuralgia: This is a problem that occurs when the 5th cranial nerve is irritated and can effect the jaw, eyes, lips, scalp, nose and forehead.  

9. Gout: Mostly in the big toe.  It is so painful even a sheet laying on top of the toe is painful.  There are dietary changes that need to be addressed and the body needs to be analyzed to see how it is moving.  

10. Post Surgical pain: After a surgery there needs to be recovery.  Surgeons cut through your skin and nerve endings.  This can create scar tissue and lead to lack of movement and pain.  

How do most people deal with chronic pain?

Mostly by taking Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) or prescribed pain medication.  Not only are these drugs damaging to the kidneys, liver and other organ and systems but it is also very expensive and addictive.  These drugs help with the symptom but rarely work on the cause of what is going on.  

How can a San Francisco Chiropractor help with chronic pain?

Chiropractors look for the cause of pain and where it originates.  If you have pain, it is a nerve issue. We are great with locating the nerve area affected and applying the proper treatment to help get relief.  It involves no drugs or surgery.  We allow the body to heal all on its own.  

Chiropractic is a gentle, natural and effective solution for healing chronic pain.  

Chiropractors align the spinal joints and have them moving properly with the surrounding muscles and tissues.  The nerves that are protected by the spine branch out to nerves that connect and coordinate every function of our body.  Keeping them free of stress and strain leads to better brain and body health leading to optimal health.  

When your brain and body are functioning properly it keeps stress out of your systems, organs and glands.  That is how and why chiropractors and their patients maintain health.   

Dr. Amie Gregory, DC, CCEP is a top ranked chiropractor in San Francisco and is an expert at getting patient out of pain and back to health quickly and holistically.  Her techniques are not only chiropractic but Amino Neuro Frequency Therapy which is used by professional athletes all over the world.  

Whether you need pain relief or want to be the best you can be, Precise Moves Chiropractic in San Francisco and Redwood City can help!



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Hours in the mission district, San Francisco




8:00 am - 12:00 pm

3:00 pm - 7:00 pm




8:00 am - 12:00 pm

3:00 pm - 7:00 pm




8:00 am - 12:00 pm



Hours in the mission district, San Francisco

8:00 am - 12:00 pm 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm