How Nutritional Guidance Enhances Your Massage Therapy

If you’re struggling with back or joint pain, you know that pain can limit your ability to perform your daily activities. Many people with these symptoms have found that working with a chiropractor can help relieve the pain. If you’re looking for chiropractic care in Nanaimo, we encourage you to visit our team at Woodgrove Pines Wellness Clinic. We will examine you and develop the best way to regain optimal wellness.

Benefits of Massage

Our experience has shown massage to be an essential part of a treatment plan for some clients. Chiropractic massage directly impacts muscles and soft tissues of your body, releases tightened muscles and increases blood flow through the affected muscles and joints. As well, a visit with our Registered Massage Therapist has the potential to drain lymphatic tissue when appropriate.

As part of our holistic approach to promoting wellness, we will provide nutritional counseling for our clients, particularly with our Naturopath. In addition to improving your overall health, good nutrition can enhance the therapeutic benefits of massage. During a massage, your blood begins circulating to damaged muscles, and your nutrient level will determine the extent to which that blood can stimulate a healing response.

Benefits of Good Nutrition

According to Sense Massage, people with poor nutritional balance have an increased level of stress hormones. A high level of stress hormones will result in an inability to relax and reap the benefits of the massage. Nutritional balance is also enhanced by adequate hydration. Without hydration, you will be at risk for infection and other illnesses.

At Woodgrove Pines Wellness Clinic, our nutritional counseling will review basic dietary principles and caloric moderation. We encourage you to choose a balanced intake, including lean proteins, whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, we explain that excess use of processed foods and sugars will increase inflammation which can lead to pain and limited mobility. Good nutritional balance also results in a decreased risk of injury during treatment.

Call Us Today For an Appointment

Our chiropractic team believes in a holistic approach, and we want to help you use all the interactive parts of your body to achieve pain relief. In addition to massage, we offer chiropractic adjustments, spinal decompression, and acupuncture. If you’re looking for a chiropractor in Nanaimo, we invite you to visit Woodgrove Pines Wellness Clinic and meet with one of our experienced chiropractors. Call us for an appointment today, and begin your quest to maximal wellness.

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