• Posture

    The ancient Japanese art form of growing Bonsai trees is fascinating. Bonsai trees are essentially normal shrubs that have been consistently stressed in a particular way for a long time to create a posture which would never be found in nature. Depending on how the tree is stressed while it grows, it

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  • Movement

    Imagine waking up one morning with a frozen shoulder where you couldn't move your upper arm more than a few inches in any direction. How much would that impact your ability to do your job? How much would that affect your ability to drive your car or even to dress yourself? How much would that affect

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  • Relationship with Self

    Your relationship with your self is the most important relationship because as they say wherever you go there you are. Wellness begins with "being" well first and then is about "doing" things to be well. If you do not address who you are being than just doing things will not make you well. A simple way

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  • Positive Affirmations

    We function a lot like computers: Garbage in produces garbage out, while great stuff in produces great stuff out. We talk to ourselves far more than we talk to others. In fact, most experts agree that about 80 percent of all conversations we have are with ourselves. All too often, we talk to ourselves

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  • Muscle Relaxation

    The goal of progressive muscle relaxation is to reduce the tension in your muscles. First, find a quiet place where you'll be free from interruption. Loosen tight clothing and remove your glasses or contacts if you'd like. Tense each muscle group for at least five seconds and then relax for at least

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  • Yoga

    The physical poses that come to mind when most Americans think of yoga originated thousands of years ago in India. Originally they served to make the body strong and supple enough — and the mind patient enough — to sit for long bouts of meditation. Nowadays, people practice yoga poses for various

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  • Whole Grains

    When you reach for that bowl of whole grain cereal or a slice of whole grain bread, consider the health benefits. Those who eat whole grains as part of their diet are at a reduced risk for some chronic conditions. This is because they contain nutrients that are vital to optimal health, and that includes

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  • Nutritional Supplements

    We all need vitamins and minerals to sustain good health and keep our bodies functioning properly. These nutrients are what our bodies need to grow, repair, heal and sustain our body’s cells, systems, organs and skeleton. The problem is that many of us do not consume enough to maintain optimal health,

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  • The Role of Chiropractic Care in Functional Medicine

    Most people have heard the adage associated with doctors’ medical advice: “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning.” However, imagine a scenario in which, instead of offering a quick fix, the doctor sat down with you and asked about all the components of your lifestyle. That’s what doctors

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  • Tai Chi

    Tai chi is a gentle form of exercise that evolved from martial arts. First developed in China, people all over the world now enjoy the health benefits of this slow, flowing practice. You might see students practicing tai chi outside, in parks or on beaches The word “chi” means life force in Chinese.

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  • Superfoods

    Prior to the word “superfood” perfectly embedding itself in our vocabulary after Dr. Steven Pratt coined the term in 2004, we didn’t have such a distinction when it came to the foods we ate. Fruits and vegetables have long been known to have health benefits and are a part of our daily diet —

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  • Sugar, Salt and Trans and Saturated Fats

    Salt, sugar and fats have long gotten bad raps. It is true that adverse effects can occur if they are consumed in large amounts, but the keyword is “large.” When taken in the right amounts, our bodies can reap several benefits. The Low-Down on Salt Salt can do more than flavor your foods, it’s

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  • Nutrition

    Nutrition may sound like a complicated subject, but it’s really quite simple. Basically, nutrition describes how the food choices that you make affect your overall wellness. This includes how your body functions at the level of your cells, tissues and organs. Overview of Nutrition and You In order

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  • Mind-Body Techniques

    When it comes to staying healthy, your body is not the only piece of the puzzle. Your mind — and its connection to your body — have an important role to play as well. The Mind-Body Connection This mind-body connection means that your thoughts, feelings, attitudes and beliefs can all affect the

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  • Massage

    Massage dates back at least to the second century B.C., as it’s described in ancient Chinese texts. Practitioners in India and Egypt developed their own methods of massage. In fact, all over the world, people use their hands and mechanical devices to improve circulation, unknot muscles, reduce pain

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  • Lifestyle Practices

    While spinal manipulation is a chiropractor’s primary tool, functional medicine chiropractors also assess their patients’ lifestyles. Chiropractic care that focuses on functional medicine is holistic. This means that when you visit a functional medicine chiropractor, he or she will want to know about

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