Viewing 337 - 352 out of 357 posts


4 Ways Chiropractic Helps Improve Your Overall Health & Wellness

3 Ways Chiropractic Helps Improve Your Overall Health & Wellness Chiropractic has been increasing in popularity over the last few years as the medical community is recognizing its value for treating Read More

How Chiropractic Helps Those That Suffer From Sciatica

How Chiropractic Helps Those That Suffer from SciaticaSciatica is a common back ailment that affects approximately 1 in 10 adults in Canada. It is most prevalent in people between the Read More

Spring Into Health With Acupuncture Cupping

Spring Into Health With Acupuncture CuppingAfter a bit of a longer colder winter on the West Coast we are ready for summer. This year spring has been slow, the ground Read More

Get Relief From Plantar Fasciitis

How Chiropractic Helps People Who Suffer from Plantar FasciitisFeet are important. When you consider what your feet go through, taking 8,000 or more steps over the course of a day, Read More

How Vitamin D Supports the Skeletal System

How Vitamin D Supports the Skeletal SystemThe human body needs vitamin D in order to build strong muscles and bones. When the body does not get enough vitamin D, it Read More

Need Some Help With Ankle Pain?

How Chiropractic Helps Resolve Ankle PainAnkle pain and injury are not issues reserved solely for athletes. In the United States, more than 25,000 people deal with ankle sprains or pain Read More

Why Chiropractic Is A Great Choice For Whiplash Injuries

Why Chiropractic Is a Great Choice for Whiplash InjuriesIf you have ever had to deal with the pain of whiplash you know how it can impact every aspect of your Read More

How Chiropractic Benefits Cyclists

How Chiropractic Benefits CyclistsNow that summer is upon us and the chilly winds of winter are gone for at least a few months, more people are taking their fitness and Read More

How Chiropractic Helps Resolve Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome

How Chiropractic Helps Resolve Patellofemoral Pain SyndromeAs the weather warms, more and more runners are heading outside, hitting the pavement to train for upcoming races or to just step up Read More

How Chiropractic Helps Those That Suffer From Migraine Headaches

How Chiropractic Helps Those That Suffer From Migraine Headaches If you’ve ever had a migraine you know that it’s more than just a headache. The debilitating pain can be accompanied by Read More

How Chiropractic Benefits Senior Citizens

How Chiropractic Benefits Senior CitizensThe aging process can usher in a variety of conditions and health issues that are confined (mostly) to the elderly. Chronic pain, arthritis, loss of mobility, Read More

How Magnesium Helps Soothe Sore Muscles

How Magnesium Helps Soothe Sore Muscles Everyone has stiff, sore muscles now and then. From overdoing it at the gym to sleeping in an awkward position, there are many reasons you Read More

How Posture Affects Your Health

How Posture Affects Your Health Your mother always said don’t slouch - turns out she was right. And she has science to back it up. Your posture can have a profound Read More

Injured at Work? How Chiropractic Can Help

Injured at Work? How Chiropractic Can HelpIn 2014, there were 2.8 million occupational injuries. This crossed all industries, but 75 percent were in those that provided a service.These injuries can Read More

How Chiropractic Helps Relieve Pain From Facet Syndrome

How Chiropractic Helps Relieve Pain From Facet SyndromeFacet syndrome, also called facet joint sprain or facet joint syndrome is a common cause of back pain. There are many treatments that Read More

How Chiropractic Helps Heal A Bulging Disc

How Chiropractic Helps Heal A Bulging DiscBulging disc is often thought of as a normal part of the aging process. It causes pain and decreases mobility. Athletes and people who Read More

Viewing 337 - 352 out of 357 posts

