Viewing 17 - 32 out of 75 posts


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Optimizing Genetics Through Lifestyle: The Plan!

Last month I wrote about how only a small percentage of disease is based on genetics.  The fate of our cells is not reliant on the genes that reside in Read More

Health-Span Versus Lifespan: The Action Plan for Optimal DNA Expression in 2023

The focus in America has been on increasing chronological age, extending life, and increasing the number of trips we take around the sun.  While chronological age is important, I would Read More

Is it Better to Sense a Lion by its Roar or by its Breath?

Dr. Epstein posed this question in the first Network Spinal Analysis seminar I took from him in 2002.  I honestly had to think about the answer for a while but Read More

The Old vs. the New: Energy-Poor vs. Energy-Rich

It is so common in our American culture to believe that we could and should push through anything.  We believe that it is a sign of character or strength to Read More

The Healing Journey of NSA

Network Spinal Analysis measures Phases, Stages, Levels, and the Biofields.  What does this look like in a person’s life?  Let’s take a deeper dive! “John” is experiencing the physical symptom of Read More

Level 2 of NSA Care: TRANSFORM

The Foundation:During May, we explored Level 1 of Network Spinal Analysis (NSA): Discovery Care. Level 1 of Care achieves less tension in the spine, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and nerves.  Patients Read More

Is it One Thing or is it Everything?

In healthcare, we are often sucked into the mindset that there must be “one thing that is wrong.”  One thing must be the absolute problem. The mindset most Americans have Read More

The Season of Discover: Level 1 of NSA Care

Last month we discussed the Levels of NSA Care: Discover, Transform/Integrate, and Awaken.  What do these levels look like when you are on the table receiving a NSA adjustment or Read More

The Levels of NSA Care: Discover, Transform, Awaken

Discover, Transform, Awaken… these are the levels of Network Spinal Analysis care, really - the steps in any growth process.   What does growth and healing look like? It is never Read More

Habits, Health, and Life

Watching Netflix instead of taking a walk after dinner... Hitting snooze five times instead of getting up to exercise... Relying on quick meals instead of planning and meal prepping for the week... Letting Read More

The Emotional Brain Versus the Thinking Brain: How NSA Creates Healing on All Levels

I want you to think about one of those moments in life—one of those overwhelming moments in which what you were feeling, experiencing, seeing, etc. was so vivid and intense Read More

Creating Health by Choice, Not by Chance: Consistency

Like most health practitioners that are truly passionate about health and wellness, I have had personal experiences of watching loved ones suffer with severe illness.  I have watched people that Read More

Coming Home To Yourself with Network Spinal Analysis, Part 1

It is December—a time when it is easy for us to be reminded of both joyful and painful times, along with deeply ingrained memories that we may have.  This is Read More

Health by Choice, Not by Chance After 60!

As many of my clients tell me, they expect retirement to provide them with less stress, fewer worries, and more freedom.  What I also frequently hear is that retirement has Read More

A Proactive Plan for Preventing Brain Health Issues and Improving Resiliency

One of the biggest concerns as we age is the issue of memory; over 6 million Americans have now been diagnosed with Alzhiemer’s.  With increasing frequency, people watch as their Read More

Creating a Foundational Shift in our Communities for a Better Tomorrow

Over the last 17 years, we have had the privilege of working with thousands of people to facilitate healing, as well as improve levels health, function, and wellness.  While this Read More

Viewing 17 - 32 out of 75 posts


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