Viewing 49 - 64 out of 75 posts


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How to go from "Wired and Tired" to Balanced and Resilient

The number one reason Americans visit their doctor is fatigue.  As a culture, we are exhausted.  People report feeling so tired to the point of having it be difficult to Read More

The Top Natural Secrets to Healing and Enhancing Your Cardiovascular Health

February is Heart Health month!  We want to honor that but also dispel some myths about why so many people deal with heart disease.  Even though there is so much Read More

Out with the Old, In with the New....The Science and Secrets Behind Habit Change

This is my favorite time to reflect over the past year; the events I feel good about, neutral, and what I know I need to change.  It always feels good Read More

The Holidays: Set the Foundation for Healing!

by Dr. Leah Hahn, D.C., F.I.C.P.A. The holiday season is starting earlier and earlier! By the time Halloween candy is hitting the shelves, holiday trees and decorations are abundantly advertised. Seasonal Read More

Preserving Memory Through Lifestyle and Mindfulness

by Dr. Leah Hahn, D.C., F.I.C.P.A. The number of Americans dealing with Alzheimer's continues to sky-rocket, causing increasing concerns.  So much of what we are learning regarding Alzheimer's is that a Read More

Neck and Upper Back Pain: Could it be a Bigger Issue than You Thought?

by Dr. Leah Hahn, D.C. I know how irritating neck pain is first hand.  I remember sitting at my laptop in both high school and college, feeling burning pain along my Read More

Terrified of the Force Used in Chiropractic? We have the Gentle Chiropractic Answer for You: Network Spinal Anaylsis

I have to say that I hear much more concern about whether the adjustments will be harsh versus whether they will be too gentle. For many who are concerned with harsh adjustments, there is a tremendous solution. Read More

The Top Seven Ways Body In Balance can Help Those with Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes

The Top Seven Ways Body In Balance can Help Those with Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes By Dr. Leah Hahn, D.C. The Issue: Diabetes is the most rapidly-growing disease diagnosed in the United States.  According Read More

Headaches: A Struggle for So Many Americans

by Dr. Leah Hahn, D.C., F.I.C.P.A. At least once a week, a patient visiting our office for the first time expresses their desire and strong need to get rid of headaches.  Read More

Stress – The good, the bad, the ugly and what you can do about it

Another day with way too many things on your plate.  Pounding headache, kid is sick, and your boss on your back for that latest report.  Not everything in that sentence Read More

Lower Back Pain - Common, But Not Normal

Lower Back Pain--Common, but not Normal  By Dr. Leah Hahn, D.C. Whether chronic , irritating pain or acute, life-altering pain, low back problems can have a profound impact on your life.  Read More

Metabolic Syndrome: The Precursor to Heart Disease 50% of Those Over 60 Face

February is Heart Health Month! Metabolic Syndrome: The Precursor to Heart Disease 50% of Those Over 60 Face When I speak to groups and organizations, I often start out by asking people, Read More

Why Do We Practice NSA (Network Spinal Analysis)?

Why Do We Practice NSA (Network Spinal Analysis)? When Scott and I were in chiropractic school, we learned multiple methods of adjusting the spine. It was a fascinating time of learning Read More

The Weight Loss Secret that Changes Your Health Forever

The Weight Loss Secret that Changes Your Health Forever As most of us know, weight loss is one of the most common New Year’s resolutions. When it is a primary focus Read More

How Does My Stress Level And Diet Affect My Hormonal Health?

How Does My Stress Level And Diet Affect My Hormonal Health? Irritability, fatigue, high stress, weight gain, cramping, heavy bleeding - women's hormonal issues can be complex and difficult to deal Read More

April is Community Appreciation Month

April is Community Appreciation Month Dr. Scott and I graduated chiropractic school in 2004 full of passion for starting our practice and changing our community.  We had a vision of people's lives being Read More

Viewing 49 - 64 out of 75 posts


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8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
8:30 am - 11:20 am
8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
8:30 am - 11:20 am 2:30 pm - 5:20 pm
Admin Hours 9:00 am - 12:00 pm