Viewing 65 - 75 out of 75 posts


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Top 10 Tips For Better Sleep

Top 10 Tips For Better Sleep What are the answers for improving your quality of sleep?  Here are the top 10:  1. Cut down on caffeine, at least by 11 am.  Accept the Read More

Is Lack of Sleep Making Us Dumb, Depressed & Dangerous?

Up until my second year of chiropractic school, I had never thought much about sleep.  I remember having a few tough nights of sleep in undergrad while living in a Read More

100's of Adjustment Techniques: Why NSA?

Last week's blog was a little about how Scott and I met in school and our introduction to Network Spinal Analysis (NSA)...this week I would like to share what I learned Read More

How We Chose To Practice NSA In Golden

How We Chose To Practice NSA In Golden Scott and I met our first week of chiropractic school at Northwestern Health Sciences University.  One of our first dates was studying for an upcoming test Read More

Top 10 Secrets for Weight Loss Success, Tips 6-10

Last week I wrote about secrets to weight loss that many people don't think about implementing into their PLAN for weight loss.  This week's first tip involves a key word Read More

Will Your New Year's Resolution work...this time?

It is the time of year when we reflect on what has happened for us over the last year; whether we met specific goals or captured the changes in our Read More

Top 10 Secrets for Weight Loss Success, Tips 1-5

At least once a week, one of the patients I work with complains, "Dr. Leah, It seems like since I hit my mid-thirties, I haven't been able to lose weight. Read More

Preventing Heart Disease

I was really close with my grandmother growing up; she was one of my favorite people in the world. I clearly remember the day she had a heart attack–the concerned Read More

Meet Drs Leah and Scott Hahn

Dr. Leah Hahn grew up in Minnesota and watched her mother suffer with severe illness for years while receiving little help from the medical profession.  Finally her mother found a Read More

Help! Many Women in My Family have Breast Cancer! What can I do to Prevent it? By Dr. Leah Hahn, as appeared in Golden Living Magazine

"Most of the women in my family have gotten breast cancer.  What can I do to not be a statistic?"  This was the conversation that I had with a very Read More

Aging Well Begins With Maintaining & Building Your Lean Body Mass

Do you remember what your New Year’s resolutions were?  Research has shown that New Year’s resolutions on average last for about 3 days.  Still, some make it to the gym Read More

Viewing 65 - 75 out of 75 posts


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