
Frequently Asked Questions About Whiplash

Whiplash Treatment From Our Louisville Chiropractor

If you've been the victim of an auto accident injury, it's likely that you have a lot of questions regarding your treatment. It's important that you see an experienced chiropractor who can assess and treat your symptoms in a holistic way, without making you reliant on painkillers and other medications. Our Louisville KY chiropractor at Highland Chiropractic will help you recover from your auto accident injury using time-tested methods that will give you lasting pain relief.

Woman suffering from an auto accident injury

What Is Whiplash?

Whiplash is a neck injury caused by the neck being forced to move in a way that stretches the soft tissues (muscles and ligaments) beyond their normal limits. This happens when a force is applied to the body that the neck is not ready for, as the muscles do not have time to brace the neck for impact. Whiplash can happen while playing sports, as the result of a slip and fall, or in an auto accident. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Whiplash?

Whiplash symptoms typically show up anywhere from 24 hours to a few days after the injury occurs. Most people with a whiplash injury experience neck pain, nausea, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and dizziness. The neck pain can also radiate to the arm, shoulder, and even to the lower back. Some people report experiencing difficulty sleeping as well.

When Should I Get Treatment?

The best time to get treatment for whiplash is before symptoms actually show up. If you wait until you show symptoms to get treatment, your recovery will be longer and more difficult than if you had been treated immediately. If you have been in an accident and suspect that whiplash is a possibility, do not wait to seek treatment.

Schedule an Appointment with our Louisville Chiropractor Today

If you've recently been the victim of an auto accident injury, call us right away to start treatment. Set up an appointment with our Louisville KY chiropractor at Highland Chiropractic by calling 502-454-5000.