
Ultrasound FAQ

Ultrasound Therapy by Our Louisville Chiropractor

At Highland Chiropractic, ultrasounds are one of our most effective healing tools. An ultrasound is normally thought of as a diagnostic tool, often used during pregnancy to provide the doctor with viable image of a fetus. However, it has many other uses, especially when it comes to chiropractic care. Chiropractors can use ultrasound therapy to hasten the healing of soft tissue injuries. Ultrasound therapy has become a mainstay of our Louisville chiropractor and his highly trained staff.

How Does An Ultrasound Work?

Ultrasound technology uses a specific frequency of sound waves and directs them into the soft tissue of the injured area, also called sonography. The person administering this treatment, who maps out the area to be worked on, is referred to as the sonographer. The sound waves are then introduced into the area. An ultrasound is beneficial in two ways. First, the sound waves create a vibration which results in what is considered a "micro-massage". The rate of vibration used is strong enough to stimulate cell membranes. Also known as a cavitation effect, the stimulation of the membranes results in a healing response within the soft tissues in the area.

Another benefit of therapeutic ultrasound therapy is its thermic effect. The sound waves can result in an increase in temperature of approximately 40 to 45 degrees Celsius. The increase in temperature serves many purposes. Not only does it speed up the healing process, but it can also reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to the injured area. Much like a deep tissue massage, the sound waves permeate the soft tissues, joints and tendons, and encourage increased blood flow. The delivery of fresh nutrients to the injured areas helps to provide the body with what it requires to heal faster and more efficiently.

When Is an Ultrasound Used for Chiropractic Care?

As a highly trained chiropractor in Louisville, our doctor may request an ultrasound for many different types of cases. Ultrasounds are exceptional tools when it comes to treating soft tissue injuries as well as damaged joints and tendons. An ultrasound is commonly used for injuries that have a dramatic amount of swelling and discomfort. The massaging technique can relax tissues, eliminate stiffness and reduce the risk of muscle spasms that can tighten the joint causing more pain and discomfort.

The heat produced through the ultrasound procedure is warming and, when used over joints, can reduce swelling and increase a person's range of motion. As blood flow increases, bringing fresh oxygen and nutrients to the area, much of the discomfort associated with the injury will begin to ebb away. The increase of blood flow to a specific area is known as hyperemia. Not only does an increase in blood flow provide much needed resources, it also helps to clear away toxins and excess fluids. 

Visit Our Trained Louisville Chiropractic Staff

The trained professionals at Highland Chiropractic have the knowledge and tools necessary to perform a variety of ultrasound therapies. Our Louisville chiropractor is capable of providing various types of ultrasound, both for healing purposes as well as diagnosing certain injuries. Please call us at 502-454-5000 for more information today. Our dedicated staff is here to help you.