
Scoliosis FAQ

Our Chiropractor in Louisville Addresses FAQs about Scoliosis

Approximately 3 out of every 100 people have at least some degree of scoliosis. This spinal condition may not cause problems for everyone who has it, but our chiropractor in Louisville KY, Dr. Charles Copeland, is happy to offer non-invasive techniques which relieve pain and dysfunction for those that experience it. 

man suffering from scoliosis at work

What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis happens when your spine abnormally curves side-to-side. The curves formed may resemble the letter S or C when looking at the spine from the back. These curves can be classified as mild, moderate, or severe. They may also be classified as functional (can change with body position) or structural (more fixed and less amenable to changes in body position.)

Who gets scoliosis?

Scoliosis is generally first diagnosed in childhood. In adolescence, girls are much more likely than boys to have scoliosis. Scoliosis can progress through puberty and then stabilize, or it can progress throughout adulthood.

What causes scoliosis?

The majority of cases of scoliosis are "idiopathic," meaning it's not entirely clear what's causing it. A person may be born with a genetic predisposition or they may have other conditions which affect alignment, including congenital spinal abnormalities, neuromuscular disorders, and genetic conditions. Injuries and illnesses may also lead to scoliosis.

What are the signs and symptoms of scoliosis?

A person may have scoliosis and not even know it. In other cases, scoliosis is severe enough to affect breathing (due to mobility restrictions in the rib cage). Common symptoms include:

  • Asymmetrical shoulders and hips
  • Visible side-to-side curve in the back (especially when bending forward)
  • Uneven shoulder blades 
  • Arms hang asymmetrically at one's side
  • One leg appears shorter
  • Head appears off-center
  • Back pain 

How is scoliosis diagnosed?

Dr. Bauer can diagnose scoliosis during an initial examination through a combination of physical examination, patient history, family history, and X-rays. 

What can a chiropractor provide for scoliosis treatment?

While a scoliotic curve may not be "correctable," it can be managed with individualized scoliosis treatment from a chiropractor. The following services may help:

  • Chiropractic adjustments: optimize the spinal alignment and reduce tension within joints and other connective tissues
  • Corrective exercises: promote muscle length balance and improve core stabilization
  • Ergonomic and body mechanic training: optimize workspace, posture, sleep habits, and lifting techniques to avoid excessive strain on the back
  • Modalities like dry needling, to relax painful trigger points

Looking for a Scoliosis Chiropractor in Louisville? Call or Visit Highland Chiropractic

If you or a loved one is living with scoliosis, there may be a natural way to start feeling better. Contact us today at Highland Chiropractic to schedule an appointment with our scoliosis chiropractor.