
Neck Pain Treatment in Louisville

Getting Proper Treatment For Your Neck Pain In Louisville

Neck pain treatment is necessary for those who suffer from severe and difficult-to-manage issues. At Highland Chiropractic, we practice many types of neck pain relief treatments that provide you with a simple way of recovering from this issue.

woman suffering from neck pain in louisville

What are Common Causes of Neck Pain?

Neck pain has many different possible causes that will vary in their intensity. The most common causes include the following issues, arranged in order of severity:

  • Poor Posture – Standing or sitting improperly can cause a variety of types of neck pain. You can also get neck pain in this way when sleeping poorly.
  • Text Neck – Staring down at your phone and texting for hours can cause a stiff and painful sensation throughout your muscles. This problem can also be caused by reading.
  • Whiplash – When you suffer from whiplash, your neck will experience severe and sharp pains that can be hard to relieve.
  • Auto Accidents – The sudden jerking sensations you experience in a car crash can cause injuries to your neck that may be very severe.
  • Spine Problems – Slipped or herniated discs can cause rippling pain throughout your neck and even in various other parts of your body.

How Can I Prevent Neck Pain?

Before you visit a chiropractor in Louisville, it is important to know that you can actually prevent neck pain yourself. The first step is to improve your posture and to stand properly whenever possible. You should also try to get a supporting pillow that prevents sleeping pains. This step can also improve your overall sleep and even prevent snoring.

However, you can also perform various stretching exercises with your neck to ensure it retains its full range of motion. A strong and healthy neck will be capable of withstanding injuries and other problems that can seriously affect neck health and make it more difficult to manage. Try to keep your neck stable and your shoulders down to keep it healthy.

How Can a Chiropractor Help Treat Neck Pain?

Working with our chiropractor is a wise decision if you are suffering from neck pain. We will use various spinal adjustments to manage this issue and ensure that your pain is minimized. Our adjustments will carefully reposition your spine, manage various soft-tissue tears, and provide your neck with the stability it needs to be strong and healthy.

Getting High-Quality Help From a Chiropractor In Louisville 

If you need neck pain treatment or neck pain relief in Louisville, don't hesitate to contact us at Highland Chiropractic. You can either contact us online or call us at 502-454-5000 to learn more about the types of treatment we provide. We look forward to helping you recover from whiplash or other serious injuries.