
How Chiropractic Care Can Help Auto Accident Injuries

Can Chiropractic Care Treat Car Accident Injuries?

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You may have heard that chiropractic car accident treatment is helpful as you recover from your injuries, but especially if you’ve never tried chiropractic care before, it’s natural to be curious about how it all works. The truth is, though, that receiving chiropractic treatments after your accident will help speed your recovery and reduce the likelihood that you’ll develop chronic pain as a result of your injuries.

Some Common Car Accident Injuries

Even minor collisions can result in significant injuries requiring car accident treatment. One of the most common of these is whiplash, which is caused by the rapid snapping of your head and neck back and forth during the accident. Patients suffering from whiplash injuries can experience pain, reduced range of motion, headaches, neck instability, weakness and numbness in the related extremities, and other symptoms.

Of course, your spine and its associated soft tissues aren’t the only areas that can be injured in a car accident. Our chiropractor routinely provides car accident treatment to patients suffering from knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, and more.

Chiropractic Car Accident Treatment

To treat your injuries, our auto accident chiropractor in Louisville will perform a variety of chiropractic adjustments designed to restore proper alignment to all areas of your musculoskeletal system. We’ll also utilize a range of soft tissue treatments that will work to reduce inflammation and increase blood flow to the injured area, all of which promotes healing by ensuring that plenty of nutrients and water can reach the places that need it most.

Professional Care from Our Auto Accident Chiropractor in Louisville

To get the most out of your chiropractic accident treatment, it’s important to visit our auto accident chiropractor in Louisville as soon as possible after your accident. Even if you’ve already been treated in a hospital or your regular doctor’s office, you’ll benefit from the type of holistic, comprehensive treatment we can provide.

You should also come see us even if you don’t think you’ve been seriously injured. The symptoms of some auto accident injuries don’t show up right away, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t significant or that they won’t cause you pain and other problems later on.

To learn more about the benefits of chiropractic accident treatment or to schedule an appointment, call us today at (502) 454-5000.