
What's Better? Dry Needling Therapy vs. Acupuncture

Dry Needling Therapy vs. Acupuncture From Your Louisville Chiropractor

dry needling

Are you suffering from muscle pain or stiffness? Then you might be a good candidate for dry needling therapy. Dry needling is a minimally invasive treatment that helps treat muscle pain without the use of prescribed or over-the-counter pain medications. At first glance, this therapy may look a lot like acupuncture. However, dry needling has some important differences that you will want to consider before deciding which treatment is right for you. Below, we’ll discuss what dry needling is and how it differs from acupuncture.

What is Dry Needling Treatment?

Dry needling treatment, also known as Intramuscular Stimulation or IMS, is a modern treatment that is designed to reduce muscle pain. During this treatment, the practitioner will insert multiple filiform needles into the skin, without injecting any fluid into the body. Practitioners place these needs in specific “trigger points” that are knotted or hard in your muscle or tissues. The dry needling helps to release the knot, which results in relief from muscle pain and muscle spasms.

Dry Needling vs. Acupuncture

You may be wondering how this treatment differs from acupuncture. While dry needling is a modern technique, acupuncture has been used for hundreds of years in traditional Asian medicine. Acupuncture therapy also uses needles, but it is designed to relieve pain and discomfort as well as other medical issues by opening up the individual’s chi, or energy flow. This treatment can be used to address a wide range of symptoms such as pain, nausea, headaches, and vomiting.

This differences between dry needling and acupuncture are important to consider when deciding on which therapy might be right for you. Be sure to consult your doctor or chiropractor about each of these treatment options.

Chiropractor in Louisville Now Offering Dry Needling Services

If you are looking for a chiropractor in Louisville that offers dry needling therapy, look no further than Highland Chiropractic. Dr. Charles Copeland at Highland Chiropractic is an experienced chiropractor that has been working in the Louisville, KY area since 1995. His team will now be offering dry needling treatment at their office. Call today to book an appointment: (502) 454-5000.