
Sciatica 5 Commonly Asked Questions

Sciatica Care with Highland Chiropractic in Louisville KY

If you have been diagnosed with sciatica or are wondering if the pain you are feeling is related to sciatica, let our Louisville KY chiropractor answer your questions. Chiropractic care is a gentle treatment option for sciatica. It's effectiveness helps you live a pain-free, enjoyable life. Here are 5 of the most commonly asked sciatica questions:

man with back pain from sciatica in louisville

How do I know if I have sciatica?

Our chiropractor evaluates your condition and symptoms to determine if sciatica is the cause. Your symptoms may include lower back pain, increased pain with movement or immobility, pain that extends into one or both hips and legs and leg weakness or numbness.

What causes this pain?

Sciatica is a condition in which the sciatica nerve is being compromised. The sciatic nerve flows out of your spine near the base. If the nerve has pressure from a disc or shifted vertebrae, you feel the pain and discomfort.

How did sciatica happen?

Your pain may be the result of an accident such as a vehicle collision or lifting something that is too heavy. Or, you may experience pain after years of poor posture, repetitive motion or improper work conditions. In an accident, a vertebrae may have slipped out of place and putting pressure on the nerves. The same may occur throughout the years or if you are dealing with a degenerative disc condition which is compromising the space for the nerve.

How does chiropractic care ease sciatica?

Our Louisville chiropractor gently adjusts your spine to reduce the pressure on this nerve. Your vertebrae are placed into a healthier position to allow more space between the vertebrae. We also teach you exercises to strengthen your core and reduce injury risks. Plus, we show you how to sit, stand and work in ways that will not increase your pain.

How soon will I feel relief?

Many feel relief after one chiropractic adjustment. This may be true for you or it may require a series of adjustments for pain relief to begin. After consistent treatment, your benefits will be long-lasting.

Schedule an Appointment Today with Our Louisville Chiropractor for Sciatica Relief!

We want you to experience the benefits of sciatica relief and not have to suffer through the pain. Contact us today at 505-454-5000.

How does sciatica interfere with your favorite activities?