Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy

We can help restore your hormone levels with Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) targeting imbalances with specially formulated, personalized treatments, you'll soon feel like yourself again.

One of the important regulatory systems embedded in your body's apparatus is your hormones. They act as messengers, designed to interact with specific target cells and organs and provoke a change or result. As we age, hormone production changes, and hormonal imbalance can occur as a result. Unbalanced hormones can have a variety of side effects and symptoms. As a Certified BioTE Medical provider we offer BHRT pellet therapy, nutraceuticals and a high-quality standard of care to patients.


What are the signs and symptoms of low testosterone in men?

Low levels of testosterone in men is much more than just low sex drive or sexual dysfunction (ED). Symptoms consistent with low testosterone are:

·       Low sex drive

·       Sexual dysfunction (ED)

·       Chronic fatigue

·       Loss of muscle mass

·       Increased body fat (especially in the waist area)

·       Decreased bone mass

·       Mood changes

·       Lower mental capacity

·       Depression

·       Irritability

·       Brain Fog

Studies have shown there are some disease states/conditions that are consistent with low levels of testosterone which include:

·       Diabetes

·       Cardio vascular disease

·       Depression

·       Stress

·       Anxiety

·       Alcohol use

·       High cholesterol

What are the signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women?

There are a variety of symptoms from hormone imbalance in women, including:

·       Fatigue

·       Night Sweats

·       Hot Flashes

·       Decreased Sex Drive

·       Weight Gain

·       Insomnia

·       Irritability

·       Anxiety

·       Depression

·       Cold Hands and Feet

The balance of nature and Science with extraordinary benefits! Balanced hormones are necessary for good health and diseases prevention. BioTE optimizes hormone levels with tiny pellets just under the skin.  Hormone pellets release all natural, bio-identical estrogen and/or testosterone and are metabolized consistently into the body as needed.

 Hormone Pellets VS. Synthetic Methods

Hormone Pellets provide consistent, repeatable results whereas synthetic methods like chemical injections provide inconsistent results. Hormone pellets only require 3-4 insertions per year. Synthetic methods require weekly or even daily treatments.  Hormone Pellets provide increased health benefits while synthetic methods have numerous side effects.

Facts About Hormone Pellets

- After the age of 30, most people produce 3%-10% less hormones each year

- Hormone pellets contain the same chemical structure as your body’s natural hormone

- Hormone pellets have been in use since 1939

- Optimized hormones protect the bones, brain, breasts and heart

- Optimized hormones significantly reduce the risk of serious health problems, such as osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease and diabetes

Feeling Better Starts with a Simple Blood Test- Precise Dosing is Key

- Regain energy & muscle strength

- Greater ability to lose weight

- Increase mental clarity

- Feel younger and happier again

- Experience an increase quality of life while preventing age-related illness

Common Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

- Difficulty sleeping at night

- Lack of energy and fatigue during the day

- Reduced mental focus and memory

- Moody, Anxious or Depressed

- Weight Gain including increased fat around the mid-section

- Inability to lose weight regardless of healthy diet and exercise

- Decreased muscle strength

- Muscle and/or joint pain

- Reduced sexual desire and performance


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