Regenerative Medicine

If you have chronic neck pain, you might benefit from regenerative medicine techniques practiced by Rockrimmon Integrated Medical in Colorado Springs. This high-tech treatment approach uses your body's healing power to accelerate the rehabilitation process and alleviate chronic pain.


What Is Regenerative Medicine?

Regenerative medicine has become increasingly popular but is still in its infancy when it comes to chiropractic care. This approach uses rejuvenating techniques to replace damaged tissues, cells, and organs. Your chiropractor uses various techniques to restore the function of damaged areas that cause back and neck pain. These techniques improve your quality of life and use material from your own body to enhance your natural healing ability. These techniques include stem cells and platelets.

Regenerative Medicine in Colorado Springs

At Rockrimmon Integrated Medical, regenerative medicine is an essential part of our practice. We use stem cell therapy to unlock the regenerative powers in these cells. We also use platelet-rich plasma injections to stimulate healing and help to reduce neck pain. If you have sore joints due to acute or chronic conditions, this treatment might be right for you.

Platelet-Rich Plasma

Platelet Rich Plasma or PRP treatment involves drawing blood for reuse in an FDA-approved therapy approach. We place a sterile container in a centrifuge to separate whole blood into red blood cells and PRP. The platelet-rich plasma that we separate from the rest of your blood contains regenerative material we inject into the injured area. 

Here's how PRP works. The plasma signals from regenerative cells rebuild damaged tissue in the treated area. As it accelerates the healing process, you may begin to notice pain relief as well as improved mobility. We call this the healing cascade, and it usually takes 4-6 weeks to see significant results.

Stem Cell Therapy and Rehabilitation

Stem cell therapy also has remarkable potential for rehabilitation in cases of chronic neck pain. This type of treatment has been a part of medical science for nearly three decades. In a minimally invasive procedure, the chiropractor replaces damaged cells with stem cells, which can morph into different tissues. It doesn't take long to recover from this outpatient procedure, and there are many potential benefits when it comes to alleviating pain and restoring functionality. 

The rapid healing of damaged tissues can reduce inflammation that causes pain. With faster recovery, tissues and organs regenerate more fully, making this an effective chiropractic care approach. 

Regeneration Chiropractic Care in Colorado Springs

Contact us to make an appointment with our chiropractor to discuss your back and neck pain. At Rockrimmon Integrated Medical, we use all the techniques at our disposal to put you on the mend faster. Call us today for more information about rehabilitation or other chiropractic care at our office in Colorado Springs.


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