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Whiplash Faq

Whiplash: What You Need to Know

One of the most common types of neck injuries is whiplash, and if you’ve ever suffered from whiplash you know it can be quite painful. This injury usually occurs as a result of a sudden neck movement during an accident or fall – it is perhaps most commonly associated with car accidents. Falls from horses or bicycles can also cause whiplash, and have the potential to jar the spine or tear a ligament.

Whiplash injuries can afflict victims for weeks, months or even years following the accident that caused the injury. Seeing a chiropractor right away if you suffer whiplash in Manhattan is an important step.

Our Chiropractor Answers Your Frequently Asked Whiplash Questions

Is this a common neck injury?

Yes. Whiplash in Manhattan is related to sudden movements that cause changes in the position of the neck. These type of injuries occur most frequently in auto accidents where a car is struck from behind. They can also occur during falls while moving on a horse or bicycle. Permanent injury to discs, ligaments, muscles and nerves can sometimes result from suffering whiplash.

What are the symptoms?

If you suffer whiplash in Manhattan, the most common symptom is lingering neck pain. It occurs when you tilt or turn your neck in any direction. Other common problems related to this neck injury include headaches, dizziness, and tingling in the arms. People who suffer these symptoms can also suffer from anxiety and depression that arises from enduring constant pain.

How long does it take to recover?

Recovery time depends on the nature of the injury. If you have a muscle strain, neck pain might only be a short-term problem. Strained ligaments or damaged nerves can mean long-term pain, and rehabilitating the neck to a normal healthy state will take longer. Each person's body is different and follows its own timetable in healing from trauma. Fully healing from a neck injury can take several weeks or several months even with chiropractic care.

What are effective treatments to reduce pain?

One of the best things you can do to heal from whiplash is to stay physically active. Consult with your chiropractor about neck exercises that will strengthen the injured muscles and ligaments. Return to work as soon as possible and practice activities that reduce stress on your neck. People who stay active are more likely to recover quickly than people who become inactive because of pain.

How can chiropractic care help with my neck pain?

Spinal adjustments are effective in relieving the pain from many neck injuries. These adjustments help restore proper spinal alignment and relieve pressure on muscles and nerves. In the case of whiplash, these soft tissues are often damaged as a result of the injury. Getting a spinal adjustment restores normal blood flow to these areas and makes it easier for the body to heal the injured tissues at a much faster rate.

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