Custom Orthotics

If you often experience foot pain, you may want an effective solution to get rid of the problem. This is because foot pain can really affect your quality of life. Luckily, there are a few simple steps you can take to help ease the pain. One of these steps is using orthotics. Visit us at Marcon Chiropractic & Wellness Center for long-lasting foot pain relief. As part of chiropractic care, our chiropractor in Cincinnati, OH, can help design custom orthotics that will help solve your feet problems.


What Are Orthotics?

Orthotics are inserts that go into shoes to correct alignment and provide support. They are often prescribed to people who suffer from foot pain, but can also be helpful for other issues, such as knee and back pain. Orthotics come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so it is important to find the right pair for your needs. Instead of going for prefabricated orthotics, custom orthotics are the wisest choice. That's because custom orthotics are made specifically for your feet and shoes, ensuring a perfect fit and maximum comfort.

With the help of our custom orthotics kiosk, we are able to scan a patient's feet and take 16 measurements. The scanner provides the patient with an understanding of how their feet are affecting the rest of your body's alignment and pain. We make sure to address the needs of all three arches in the foot.

How Do Orthotics Help with Foot Pain?

Orthotics work to correct the alignment of your feet, which in turn helps to correct the alignment of the rest of your body. When your feet are properly aligned, it puts less stress on your knees, hips, and back. That's why orthotics are often prescribed for people with foot pain. They can help to relieve the pain and improve your overall function.

There are different types of custom orthotics:

  • Rigid orthotics: These are the most common type of orthotics and are made from hard materials such as hard plastic. They provide maximum support and are best for people with severe foot pain.
  • Semi-rigid orthotics: These orthotics are made from a softer material and provide more flexibility than rigid orthotics. They are ideal for people with mild to moderate foot pain.
  • Soft orthotics: These orthotics are made from a soft, spongy material and are best for people with sensitive feet. They provide moderate support and are ideal for everyday use.

What Foot Conditions Can Custom Orthotics Help With?

Custom orthotics can help with a variety of foot conditions, including:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Heel spurs
  • Bunions
  • Hammertoes
  • Morton's neuroma
  • Arch pain

Orthotics are beneficial for people with any of these conditions, as they can help to relieve pain and improve function. By relieving pain on your feet, you will be able to walk and stand more comfortably. That will be beneficial in other aspects of your life.

Visit Marcon Chiropractic & Wellness Center for Custom Orthotics

If you are looking for an effective way to achieve foot pain relief, orthotics may be the answer. Our chiropractor in Cincinnati, OH, can help you find the right pair of orthotics for your needs and provide you with long-lasting relief from your foot pain. Call (513) 474-1111 to book an appointment.


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