Why Standard Process?

I’ll admit that I am not a person that thinks everyone should be taking some type of vitamin or supplement. I literally turn the channel when supplement commercials come on the TV or radio. As complicated as the human body is, is it possible that what separates us from health and happiness is tied to a single vitamin or mineral?


I started taking supplements when I was in high school because I wanted to get bigger for football. I was always the skinny kid who didn’t have much of an appetite. Once the football and bodybuilding phase of my life was over, I saw no need to swallow a hand full of tablets or drink protein shakes throughout the day. All I really needed, nutritionally, should have come from what I ate. I stuck with that philosophy well into my late 30s.

The turning point was when I started splitting my pants on a regular basis. My chest had fallen into my belly and butt; I had a “Dad Bod.” While at a Standard Process seminar, they spoke about the SP Purification Program. They had other doctors present and speak about how many of their patient’s had lost 20+ pounds in three weeks on the program. I suppose the stars aligned because I bought the program that day and started it the next week.

I ended up losing 17 pounds in the three weeks on the cleanse. I kept up with the diet and some of the supplements for nine months and ending up losing 55 pounds. While losing the weight was great, there was something bigger that I discovered. I started to sleep through the night, my energy level was better even without coffee or sugary energy drinks, I was no longer bloated after eating, and generally, I was more positive. Something that Dr. Bruce Bond said at the seminar that resonated with me more now than it did nine months ago: “Your mouth isn’t a hairy garbage can.” What we eat influences more than our appearance; it is the fuel that drives every aspect of our being.

I have done the purification program three times since that inaugural plan. Each time the three-week period became easier and easier to a point that it really didn’t alter my diet an iota. I have maintained a body weight of 195 pounds over a decade despite enjoying my weekends where I stray for a day or so. It wasn’t just the diet that changed though: sleep, exercise, and mental health all play a significant role in my health plan.

That is why we recommend Standard Process. Our goal is to help patients begin the process of successful aging. True nutritional therapy does not treat disease processes or simply pacify symptoms but provides the body with the nutrients necessary to function optimally.

At Marcon Chiropractic & Wellness Center it is our mission to evaluate each patient individually and design a protocol to re-establish chemical and physiological balance. In this process we assess the diet, medical history (including current and past medications) and lifestyle. Take note that it is not legal to sell or purchase products from Standard Process except through a qualified representative of the company such as Dr. Marcon.


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