
Sports & Chiropractic

"I have not missed a workout, practice, or game, and I feel a lot stronger, faster, and I have better balance."
Chris Chambers- NFL Pro Bowl wide receiver for the Miami Dolphins 

Be Your Best

All athletes should be under chiropractic care, especially if they are making money or hoping to make money due to their athletic performance.  This includes athletes on scholarships or seeking scholarships.  Chiropractic care helps any athlete perform better.

In the cervicals (neck) and lumbars (lower back) are where the human body has the most proprioceptive receptors.  These are balance receptors.  When walking or running, the eyes are constantly scanning the horizon.  Most of the time, this is how balance is maintained.  If a player is running and looks up and back to catch a football, baseball or to get a pass in soccer or hockey, their eyes are no longer scanning the horizon.  How is balance maintained?  Proprioception is how.  Proprioception is the knowledge of where all the joints (feet, ankles, knees, hands etc.) are in time and space.  In basic terms, it is the connection between the brain and the body.  The more fine tuned this connection is, the better one can perform athletically.  In most cases, it is that little bit of edge needed to beat out an opponent.  Chiropractic care insures that the connection between the brain and the body is functioning at its highest level.

At Back In Line Chiropractic Center, not only are we chiropractors, who perform precise adjustments to the spine, we also have a few specialties.  One of them is extremity adjusting.  Extremities are the ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, wrist etc.  Many times when athletes damage these areas, the prescribed treatment is ice, compression, mobilization and rest.  Where is the effort to restore function?  We not only use the prescribed treatment but also adjust the extremity, helping to restoring function.  In most cases our athletes report being faster and stronger after an extremity adjustment.  I can say with the highest confidence, you will notice an immediate improvement after your extremities are adjusted, no matter what your sport is.

With the combination of adjustments to the spine and extremities, not only will performance be better but the likelihood of injury is greatly lessened.  I once had an NFL running back come into our office with lower back and knee pain.  Not only did we adjust his spine, but we performed flexion-distraction for his lower back, adjustments to his knee, lasered his knee and did neuromuscular reeducation (balance rehab).  The running back left our office pain free and full of confidence.  That Sunday he was playing amazingly until he got hit low in the knee.  He was then helped off of the field.  Two plays later he was back in the game and had over 100 yards rushing.  I saw the player again that Tuesday.  He informed me that had he not been adjusted and his knee been misaligned, then the hit he took could have been the straw that broke the camels back and he would have been out for the year.  Thank God his knee was adjusted.

If you think you are fast, you could be faster.  If you think you are strong, you could be stronger.  If you think you are agile and athletic, you could be more so.

Look at what some of our athletes have said

Please feel free to browse Our website for more information about Back In Line Chiropractic Center in Plantation, Florida. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment we can be reached by calling 954-584-BACK (2225) or use our contact form.


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10am - 2pm

3:30pm - 6:30pm





10am - 2pm

3:30pm - 6:30pm





By Appointment









Review By Our Satisfied Patient

  • ""Due to Back In Line Chiropractic Center, my body has made a tremendous jump. Before coming here I had a few ailments that have been improved or taken care of. It is a pleasure to be treated by Dr. Peter and Dr. Barbara Marciante"

    Ronnie Brown- NFL Running Back and second overall pick in the 2005 NFL draft by the Miami Dolphins"