
Back Pain after a Car Accident in Herndon

back neck pain Herndon, Reston, Sterling, Chantilly chiropractorAlong with neck pain, back pain is one of the most frequently reported symptoms following an auto accident. These collisions can impart a great deal of force to the body, even when the vehicle is traveling at just a few miles per hour, so it's no wonder that the complex structures which make up your back can be damaged by such an event. Fortunately, you have an alternative to major surgery, mind-addling painkillers or "just living with it" -- natural, non-invasive treatment from Golinsky Specific Chiropractic.

What exactly causes back pain in the aftermath of a car accident? There are several ways the spinal column, nerves, discs and supporting tissues can be injured by the strong jolt of a collision, whether that collision comes from an auto accident, a sports injury, or a fall from a roof. For one thing, the majority of the force is absorbed by the fragile discs that cushion your vertebrae. These discs may bulge out of their normal position, or they may tear (herniate) so that their inner material pushes on adjacent nerve roots. This can cause severe back along any region of the spine. Disc problems in the lumbar spine may cause not only low-back back but also shooting pains through the hip and leg, a problem known as sciatica. Disc injuries in the thoracic part of the spine can cause similar issues in the shoulder and arms. The vertebrae may also be pushed out of their normal alignment, putting pressures of their own on your nervous system.

The soft tissues of the back are also frequently damaged during a car accident impact. Your shoulder harness can save your life by preventing you from going through the windshield, but it may also allow your trunk to twist abnormally, tearing muscles and connective tissues in your back.

Natural Back Pain Relief and Injury Treatment at Golinsky Specific Chiropractic

Back pain from an auto accident may be debilitating from the outset, or it may become progressively worse until it is successfully treated. You might feel no pain at all immediately following the accident -- and this is dangerous, because it can allow your injury to worsen without your even realizing that you have one. (Always get your spine evaluated after a car accident, just in case!) Your friends at Golinsky Specific Chiropractic can correct alignment problems with skilled spinal adjustments. If you have herniated or bulging discs, spinal decompression can safely shift them back into position and away from your nerve roots. Cold laser therapy can relieve soft tissue pain and inflammation, boosting blood flow to help damaged muscles heal. We may also recommend physical therapy to help you regain full range of motion and rebuild your back strength. Contact us today for an evaluation!

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