
Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain

Our shoulders are made up of several joints, tendons, and muscles that allow for motion in the arm. There are also various soft tissues and bones in the shoulder that are vulnerable to pain. While many people are used to going to the chiropractor for neck and back pain, they can also get relief for shoulder pain from chiropractic care.

man getting his shoulder pain relieved

Causes of Shoulder Pain

In order to treat shoulder pain it is important to know what is causing the pain, because it can affect how treatment is approached. You should be prepared to let your chiropractor know if the pain is dull or sharp.  The most common causes of shoulder pain include

  • Tendon Inflammation or a tear - Tendons are cords connecting muscle and bone, tendonitis can be acute - a single occurrence or chronic - related to arthritis or wear and tear due to age
  • Bursitis - Bursae are fluid filled sacs in the joints that provide cushioning between bones and tissues, excessive use brings on swelling between the rotator cuff and shoulder blade, resulting in pain
  • Arthritis - Joint inflammation, usually brought on by aging and normal wear and tear or the body
  • Fracture- a broken bone
  • Instability- when bone and joint connections are instable and prone to dislocation or subluxation Instability is an overuse injury where the upper arm has come out of the socket. A partial dislocation is a subluxation, where the ball is part way out of the socket. If these happen frequently, there is an increased chance of developing arthritis
  • Pinched nerve - Pain from a pinched nerve is normally in only one shoulder, and both your neck and shoulder area will need to be evaluated to determine the source of the pain and the best treatment method. Pinched nerve pain typically feels sharp rather than dull,  you may also have general weakness, numbness, or a "pins and needles" feeling.

How a Chiropractor Helps

Shoulder joint is the most mobile in the body. By gently adjusting the shoulder, your chiropractor can correct subluxations through manual adjustments. What you do once you leave the chiropractor also has a lot to do with your ability to recover from shoulder pain. Depending  on the source of your pain, your chiropractor may offer posture suggestions and prescribe exercises that will help to strength the shoulder without risking further overuse finding a counterbalance to your shoulder injury chiropractors are able to treat these injuries without medications.

Get In Touch With Our Local Chiropractor Today

Whether you experience shoulder pain on a regular basis. or have a pain from a specific incident, at Rx Wellness Spine & Healthin Herdon, VA we can help determine the cause of your pain and work with you toward recovery. To learn more about how we can help you feel better, or to schedule an appointment, contact us at 703-904-9666.

Office Hours


10:00 am-1:00 pm

4:00 pm-7:00 pm


10:00 am-1:00 pm


10:00 am-1:00 pm

4:00 pm-7:00 pm


10:00 am-1:00 pm

4:00 pm-7:00 pm


10:00 am-1:00 pm


10:00 am-12:00 pm


