
Working a Desk Job? 4 Health Tips for the Office

Working a Desk Job? 4 Health Tips for the Office

Here at RxWellness Spine & Heath, Dr. Golinksy understands how working at a desk all day can make staying in optimal health challenging. However, workplace wellness isn’t out of reach if you follow these four simple tips for a healthy workplace environment.


1. Take Regular Breaks

Long periods of sitting down and looking at a computer monitor or pouring over paperwork can be taxing on the body and the mind. Even though you might be reluctant to take advantage of breaks due to your workload, it’s important that you do. Taking even short breaks can actually improve your focus and boost energy that can increase your overall productivity and sense of wellbeing.

2. Bring Your Own Lunch to Work

A good step towards greater wellness at work is to bring a healthy lunch with you and avoid eating out or being tempted by unhealthy office treats. When lunch hour rolls around, try to find a place other than your desk to eat such as an outdoor park or common area. Getting out of the office for a short period can provide some much needed relief and get your body moving.

3. Take the Stairs

If you work in a multi-story office, skip the elevator and head for the stairs. Many studies indicate that humans who take at least 10,000 steps per day enjoy greater health. However, sitting at your desk all day can make that a tall order, so take advantage of those stairs to boost your heart rate and help strengthen the core and leg muscles.

4. Create a ‘Workout’ Work Space

If company policies allow for it, you can create a mini workout zone right in your office. Consider investing in a standing desk or a treadmill that can double as a work zone when you need to get some exercise and still be productive on company time. Mini steppers are also popular options that can fit right under your desk and can help you enjoy a healthy workplace.

Contact Our Chiropractor at RxWellness Spine & Health in Herndon, VA 

Dr. Golinksy offers chiropractic care and advanced nutrition and wellness services that can help you feel great regardless of your job. Are you looking for advice in creating a corporate workplace wellness program or want to hold a seminar offering health tips for the workplace at your office?

Contact us today at 703-904-9666 to learn more about wellness at work or to schedule a consultation.

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