
Are You Suffering from Whiplash?

Are You Suffering from Whiplash in Herndon?


Car accidents can result in a number of injuries, but one of the most common is whiplash. This injury happens when your head is thrown backward and forward rapidly, which can cause damage to your spinal discs and soft tissue in your neck and upper back. If you need treatment for whiplash in Herndon, Golinsky Specific Chiropractic is here to help. 

Reliable Chiropractic Treatment for Car Accident Injuries

How do you know if you have whiplash from a car accident in Herndon? You might experience certain symptoms that tend to develop shortly after your accident. These include stiffness and pain in your neck, limited ability to move your neck and headaches near the base of your skull. Neck pain might feel worse when you move your neck around. Other symptoms you might have include soreness in your shoulders, upper arms and upper back, tingling in your arms and dizziness. In some cases, people experience additional problems, such as trouble concentrating, blurred vision, memory problems, sleep problems and irritability. 

Keep in mind that you might not experience these symptoms immediately after your accident. Instead, they might take up to 24 hours to start showing up. It is important to seek medical care to ensure that you get the help you need for your injuries. At Golinsky Specific Chiropractic, we offer spinal adjustments and other noninvasive treatment methods that can provide you with relief from the symptoms of whiplash. These treatment methods help promote healing in injured spinal discs and soft tissue while also lowering the risk of having your condition become worse. We will check your condition and perform tests to determine the extent of your injury before coming up with a treatment plan for you. 

Contact Our Car Accident Injury Chiropractor in Herndon

If you have symptoms of whiplash or another injury, contact Golinsky Specific Chiropractic at 703-991-4102 to set up an appointment. Our car accident injury chiropractor in Herndon can help you find pain relief. 

Have you been injured in an auto accident?

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