
When Should I See My Chiropractor While Training?

When Should I See My Chiropractor While Training?


Whether it's a marathon or a big game, the rigors of athletic training can often result in an injury for even the most careful athlete.  The good news is that there is help available: if you are suffering from a number of common sports injuries, chiropractic care can reduce your recovery time, ease pain, and assist in your seamless transition back to training in no time.  


While your sport might be lower-body focused, running takes a toll on your entire body.  Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (more commonly referenced as "runners' knee") is an all-too-common running injury.  An at-home R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) regime will certainly help keep runners' knees at bay and may solve most minor runners' knee injuries, but a more complicated case requires professional care. Chiropractic manipulation can place the knee joint back in its correct position, and a trained professional chiropractor will assist in developing a treatment plan to supplement your running training.

Tennis Players

The frequent use of any muscle group can result in a Repetitive Stress/Strain Injury (RSI).  In the elbow, this is generally referred to as "tennis elbow" and can be a painful detraction from training.  Since joint injuries are usually the result of a structural deformity and anomaly and can often create additional stress when muscle groups try to "compensate" for a non-functioning joint, they require professional realignment.  Professional chiropractic care will get to the root of the problem and supplement the correction with an at-home RICE regime. You will be back on the courts in no time!

Any Athlete

Repeated misuse or overuse of any part of the body can result in bone breakdown and, inevitably, a stress fracture.  These micro-traumas to the bone can be very painful and disruptive, but a well-trained chiropractor can help.  By re-distributing balance around the fracture and examining pre-fracture activities, a professional chiropractor can help load distribution which leads to quick and effective healing.

When your training takes a turn for the worst, do not panic. Injuries happen; your Herndon chiropractor at Golinsky Specific Chiropractic can help.

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