San Antonio Chiropractic Blog

Viewing 97 - 112 out of 120 posts


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Protect yourself from holiday accidents and injuries with chiropractic care

Getting ready for the holidays can be very hectic especially when guests are arriving. Cleaning, rearranging and redecorating can easily lead to household accidents including painful falls that mar the Read More

Halloween and your health

Child obesity is on the rise and sugar intake is a grave risk to people of all ages. There must be a healthier way to deal with Halloween fun than Read More

A Local San Antonio Chiropractor Can Be Your 'Best Friend'

In today's busy world, everyone needs a "BFF." Gaining that status is usually reserved for someone with whom you can share all the details and experiences of life. But as Read More

Maintaining a Healthy Diet

Eating Healthy Foods for a Healthier Life You may know that nutrition is essential for good health -- but what constitutes a proper diet, and how can how maintain those good Read More

Dealing with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome, also known as “CTS”, is a painful condition caused by a pinched nerve in the wrist. Without effective treatment, CTS can be incredibly painful and debilitating, affecting Read More

How To Manage Back And Neck Pain

How To Manage Back And Neck Pain With Chiropractic Care Drug-free pain relief for back and neck pain is possible here at Dr. Phillips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness. Our chiropractor offers Read More

Summer is Around the Corner: Here's Why a Healthy Back is So Important

The warm weather and sunshine during a San Antonio summer make a perfect backdrop for sports, gardening, and fixing up your house. Nothing should prevent you from having fun this summer Read More

Relief in San Antonio: Avoiding the Top Three Migraine Triggers

Relief in San Antonio: Avoiding the Top Three Migraine Triggers If you suffer from migraines, you know how desperate the search can be for lasting migraine relief. Here at Dr. Phillips Read More

Chiropractic Care Helps Develop Good Posture Habits

Chiropractic Care Helps Develop Good Posture Habits Bad posture could be causing pain in your back and neck. Correcting bad posture is more than just telling someone to stand up straight; Read More

Understanding IRS (Insulin Resistance Syndrome) Risks

Understanding IRS (Insulin Resistance Syndrome) Risks You may have heard a lot of talk in the media about "insulin resistance syndrome." This pre-diabetic Read More

Chiropractic Care for Fibromyalgia: 3 Things You Should Know

Chiropractic Care for Fibromyalgia: 3 Things You Should Know A fibromyalgia diagnosis can be overwhelming. It’s natural to worry about how you will Read More

Our Chiropractor Answers Your Sciatica Pain Relief Questions

Our Chiropractor Answers Your Sciatica Pain Relief Questions Is sciatica a literal pain in your back? Don’t let this pain go untreated. The pain management Read More

Whiplash: Natural Pain Management and Recovery

Whiplash: Natural Pain Management and Recovery There are millions of reported cases of whiplash Read More

What to Expect During Your First Visit to Our Chiropractic Office

If you have never been to a chiropractor before, you will benefit greatly when you come to Dr. Phillips Chiropractic, Nutrition and Wellness for the first time. We handle more Read More

Tired of Feeling Lousy?

San Antonio Chiropractor Says Poor Nutrition May be to Blame Good nutrition plays a major role in how you function and feel in daily life. At Dr. Phillips Read More

Turn 'Ouch' into 'Ahhh'

Natural Pain Management from San Antonio Chiropractor When pain hits, many people automatically reach for medication to soothe the agony. With help from Dr. Phillips Chiropractic, Nutrition and Read More

Viewing 97 - 112 out of 120 posts


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