Acid Reflux

Causes of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux refers to the underlying medical condition wherein stomach acids escape back into the esophagus. This can happen when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a muscle ring separating the stomach and esophagus, becomes relaxed or weak. Our chiropractor at Anderson Chiropractic in McMurray, PA, can assist you in determining the causes of acid reflux while offering the necessary treatment.


Certain Foods and Drinks

There are certain trigger foods and drinks that can cause acid reflux. Common culprits include fatty or fried foods, spicy dishes, citrus fruits, tomato-based products, chocolate, alcohol, and caffeine. These relax the LES or increase stomach acid production, making it more likely for acids to splash back up. If you find that certain foods make your symptoms worse, try avoiding them or eating them in smaller quantities.

Eating Habits

Having large meals or lying down right after eating can trigger acid reflux. This is because gravity isn't able to keep the acids in your stomach when you're horizontal. Eating smaller, more frequent meals and waiting at least three hours before lying down may help reduce your symptoms. Also, try to avoid eating late at night.

Obesity and Weight Gain

Carrying extra weight, especially in the abdominal area, can put pressure on the stomach and LES, causing them to open more frequently. This allows acids to escape and causes symptoms of acid reflux. Trying to maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise may help reduce the frequency and severity of your symptoms.


Pregnancy is another common cause of acid reflux. The growing fetus puts pressure on the stomach, which can cause the LES to open more frequently. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can also relax the LES. Acid reflux is usually at its worst during the third trimester. In addition, certain pregnancy-related conditions, such as preeclampsia, can also contribute to acid reflux.

Stress and Anxiety

According to some studies, stress and anxiety may play a role in acid reflux. This is because they can lead to unhealthy habits, such as overeating or smoking, which can relax the LES. These habits can cause the production of stomach acids. Managing stress and anxiety through relaxation techniques, such as yoga or meditation, may help reduce your symptoms.

Visit a Chiropractor for Acid Reflux Treatment Today

One of the causes of acid reflux is a weakened or relaxed LES. Our McMurray chiropractor can help to strengthen the LES with specific chiropractic adjustments. This, in turn, can help to reduce the occurrence of acid reflux. If you are suffering from acid reflux, contact our chiropractor at Anderson Chiropractic in McMurray, PA, today at (724) 941-5805 to schedule an appointment.

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