Hiatal Hernia

Hiatal Hernia

Hearing that you have a hiatal hernia can be a bit scary – especially if you’ve never heard the term before. You’re likely wondering what is going on and what you need to do to treat it. The team at Anderson Chiropractic provides a quick guide below to help answer these questions.  


What Is a Hiatal Hernia?

A hiatal hernia is a condition in which part of your stomach pushes up into the chest cavity through the hiatus. The hiatus is the opening that allows the food you eat to move into the stomach. Often, this condition is caused by some type of strain on the digestive system – specifically, the esophagus and the stomach. Pregnancy, manual labor, lifting weights, and similar things are often linked to Hiatal hernias.  

Symptoms of a Hiatal Hernia

Some people that have this condition will never feel any symptoms. Others, however, can suffer from symptoms similar to those of GERD or other conditions, such as shortness of breath, intense heartburn, chest pain, vomiting, and stomach pain.  

How Can a Chiropractor Address a Hiatal Hernia

It’s important to understand that hernias do not typically heal on their own. You’ll need to seek chiropractic care to achieve and sustain lasting relief.

Many people are surprised to learn that chiropractic care can address issues related to the digestive system, but it’s true. Many conditions and symptoms of issues in the digestive system are directly linked to misalignments in the joints, nerve compression, muscle tension, and more. All of these issues are what chiropractors specialize in.

Through a variety of treatment methods, our chiropractor can help relieve any symptoms you might experience and get your body back on track. To do this, spinal adjustments will likely be used. This treatment can address several underlying issues, including nerve compression and making sure everything is properly aligned.

Getting an adjustment opens up the space your organs – including your digestive system – need to function properly. They can also help your hernia retract to its proper position. Our chiropractor will also work with you through diet and lifestyle changes that you can make to ease your discomfort and prevent future problems. For many people, just a few daily improvements can make a big difference.  

Schedule an Appointment with Our Chiropractor in McMurray, PA

If you’ve discovered you have a hiatal hernia, don’t wait for it to heal on its own. Schedule an appointment with Anderson Chiropractic by calling (724) 941-5805.

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