Herniated or Bulging Disc? Our Chiropractor Explains

Herniated or Bulging Disc Treatment

Issues with the spinal discs are among the most common causes of back pain, loss of mobility and back injury. The spinal discs are spongy cushions that are located between the vertebrae. They assist with movement, flexibility and cushioning the spine as we move and engage in our everyday activities.

The spinal discs have a soft interior surrounded by a more rigid exterior. If a disc becomes injured or compromised, the soft inner portion can begin to protrude outward, pushing against the rigid enclosure. This is referred to as a “bulging disc.”

woman suffering from a herniated disc

Treatment From Your McMurray Chiropractor

If the disc becomes completely ruptured and the soft inner material leaks out, this is referred to as a herniated disc. It is much more severe than a bulging disc, but both conditions can potentially cause the disc material to press against one or more nerves of the spinal column. This protrusion can become the source of great discomfort and is a common reason that your McMurray chiropractor sees for upper, middle and lower back pain.

Fortunately, your McMurray chiropractor Anderson Chiropractic offers chiropractic interventions that can assist with more rapid resolution of disc issues. For example, if any of the spinal vertebrae are out of balance, it can be more difficult for these areas to heal.

Getting to the Root of the Problem

Spinal manipulation and a chiropractic adjustment can be highly effective in correcting these issues so that deep healing can occur. When the components of the spine are out of alignment, this can exacerbate disc problems and result in persistent, chronic pain.

Your McMurray chiropractor Anderson Chiropractic can assist you in addressing internal distress, nerve damage, muscle tension and any other related problems. Some of the other chiropractic techniques we can implement include:

  • The Activator Technique
  • Thompson Drop Table Technique
  • Flexion Distraction
  • Full Spine Diversified Technique
  • SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technique

Contact Our Local Chiropractor to Get Herniated or Bulging Disc Treatment Today

If you suspect you have a bulging or ruptured disc, contact your McMurray chiropractor Anderson Chiropractic as soon as possible. We can provide an accurate diagnosis of your issue along with a customized treatment protocol to help get you out of pain and on the road to healing.

Office Hours

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9:00 am - 12:00 pm



All Times are by Appointment Only

9:00 am - 6:30 pm
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


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