What is a Plant Based Diet?

What is a Plant Based Diet?

         plant based diet

Every person has his or her own unique dietary and lifestyle requirements.  At Anderson chiropractic, we assist individuals who are seeking the benefits of whole foods, plant based diet. Plant based diets are followed by some of the world's top athletes, fitness experts, yoga masters, entertainers and other health-conscious people, who feel that the diet helps improve the quality of their lives.

Advantages of a Plant Based Diet

There are numerous advantages of eating a plant based diet. For those who are new to this lifestyle choice, it can help to think positively about the foods that one eats, such as fruits, vegetable, whole grains, nuts, and beans, rather than to focus on and lament about what one is not eating, namely meat. The options associated with a plant-based diet are limitless and delicious.

Plant based diets are packed with vitamins, fiber, minerals and the healthy types of fats that provide our bodies with what they need to keep their systems running smoothly. When coupled with an active, balanced lifestyle, a plant-based diet can result in higher levels of energy, a greater feeling of wellbeing, and higher overall levels of health.

Eating a well-balanced, plant-based diet can help prevent, and in some cases reverse, many illnesses. Vegetarianism is associated with higher levels of short-chain fatty acids in the intestines. Research also suggests that plant-based diets lower the risks associated with type II Diabetes, heart disease, and inflammatory diseases.

Plant Based Diet and Chiropractic Medicine

Inflammation occurs naturally in the body and happens more frequently than most people understand. Too often, doctors treat inflammation by using methods that only address its symptoms, rather than its cause. Empirical research studies linked inflammation to many different health problems. Unfortunately, far too many doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs rather than taking a more holistic, natural approach that looks at the whole body, and the root causes of the problem.

Chiropractic care offers an alternative that can significantly help relieve pain that is caused by inflammation. The recommendation of a plant-based diet is the first step in helping reduce this pain. 

Chiropractic Care

Anderson Chiropractic provides highly effective, drug-free pain management and injury rehabilitation in the McMurray, Pennsylvania metro area. Treatments at Anderson Chiropractic can help bring your body back into full balance, so you can function more effectively, and enjoy a pain-free existence. Its founder, Dr. Scott Anderson, has been providing excellent chiropractic wellness services, pain relief, and sports injury treatment for more than twenty years. He has helped countless patients with weight loss and utilizes alternative treatment modalities, such as Nasal Cranial Release and BrainFit to help achieve optimum results.

 Contact Our Local McMurray Chiropractor Today

Take the first step in reaching your health and fitness goals. Please call 724-946-5044 today, to schedule an appointment for your highly personalized treatment plan that combines chiropractic care with complementary therapies, including a plant-based diet, for enhanced holistic health. One of our friendly associates will be happy to assist you.  

Office Hours

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9:00 am - 12:00 pm



All Times are by Appointment Only

9:00 am - 6:30 pm
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


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