The Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

            woman receiving pregnant care

Chiropractic care focuses on maintaining the spinal column, discs, nervous system and overall symmetry of the body in a gentle, non-invasive manner. There is both an art and science to chiropractic care, and the addressing of misalignments supports overall health in a range of areas.

Back health and integrity, limb functioning and nervous system functioning are all enhanced by chiropractic care. It can also assist with relieving headaches, migraines, sciatica, neck pain, and a range of other issues. The relief of stress on the spinal discs and joints in the body promotes healing and optimal functioning throughout the body.

Is Chiropractic Care Safe During Pregnancy?

Chiropractic care, when administered by an experienced professional, is safe and extremely beneficial to the recipient. Chiropractors receive special training for assisting clients that require an even more careful touch, including children and pregnant women.

Some chiropractors choose a focus on prenatal and postnatal care in their practice, with additional training to become highly skilled in these areas. Dr. Anderson of Anderson Chiropractic has substantial experience in these areas. Chiropractic care is also used to assist women who are trying to conceive and become pregnant. There are no contraindications to chiropractic care before or during pregnancy.

What Are the Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman’s body changes substantially. There are both endocrinological and physiological changes, and some of them can result in misalignments in the spine and joints. Changes during pregnancy include:

  • Protruding abdomen
  • More pronounced spinal curve
  • Postural adaptations
  • Pelvic changes

Chiropractic care helps to ease the stress and strain on a pregnant woman’s body and allows her to maintain balance throughout each trimester. If the pelvis or other regions of the body become unbalanced, the amount of room for the developing baby can be constrained (intrauterine constraint).

Misalignments can also make delivery more difficult for both the mother and the baby. Posterior and breech positions interfere with labor and delivery and could result in the need for a C-section or other unnatural intervention. Chiropractic care during pregnancy also fine-tunes the nervous system to handle all the changes the body undergoes during pregnancy.

The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reports that pregnant women who receive the Webster chiropractic technique are 82 percent more likely to have their babies turn vertex and avoid a breech birth. Receiving chiropractic care throughout pregnancy helps to maintain pelvic balance and create a more comfortable experience for mother and child.

Additional benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy include:

  • A healthier pregnancy
  • Less strain and pain as the baby grows
  • Relief for back, neck and joint issues
  • Less nausea/morning sickness
  • Reduced labor and delivery times
  • Increased odds of a natural delivery

Chiropractors who work with pregnant women use specialized techniques and equipment that avoid pressure on the abdominal area. Special stretches and exercises are also used to enhance the effects of treatment. However, all approaches take the special considerations of the mother and growing baby in mind.

Contact Your Local Chiropractic in McMurray to Receive Pregnancy Care

Anderson Chiropractic has been providing professional chiropractic services to the Canonsburg, McMurray and surrounding communities since 1995. Trust our 20+ years of experience for a safer, healthier and more comfortable pregnancy every step of the way.

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