Sport Performance & Injuries: A Chiropractor's Touch

Sport Performance & Injuries: A Chiropractor's Touchsports performance chiropractic through adjustments at Anderson chiropractic

Being an athlete is great; it keeps you in shape and it can be very rewarding. However, with any sport comes the potential risk for injury. Fortunately, by having the name and number of a trusted chiropractor, you're never more than an appointment away from relief from some of the most common chiropractic injuries. Here at Anderson Chiroptactic, sports injuries are one of our many areas of expertise.

Common Sports Injuries

So, what are some of the most common sports injuries we see our patients for? For the most part, we tend to see people with shoulder and wrist injuries; this is especially common among those who play baseball, tennis, and even hockey. However, these kinds of injuries can occur in just about any sport. 

In addition to wrist and shoulder injuries, we also tend to see knee and foot injuries that, in turn, lead to back and neck pain. This is very common in athletes who don't have proper foot support while they play their sport of choice, particularly for runners. This is why we always recommend that you have your shoes custom-fitted if you play any sport that requires a great deal of running.

How an Adjustment Can Help

With many injuries caused by sports, chiropractic adjustments can make all the difference. In fact, this is one of the most common forms of treatment we recommend for our patients. We have found that the body will recover more quickly from injuries and and reduce the risk of further injury if the spine is properly aligned. Furthermore, regular adjustments can help improve your flexibility and boost recovery times after a workout.

More Services From Anderson Chiropractic

If you're looking for a chiropractor you can trust with your chiropractic adjustments, we recommend turning to the experts at Anderson Chiropractic. We specialize in a drug-free pain management approach to help you get back into the game. Interested in requesting an appointment? Give our office a call today and our team would be happy to help.

What's your sport of choice and how long have you been playing?

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9:00 am - 12:00 pm



All Times are by Appointment Only

9:00 am - 6:30 pm
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
9:00 am - 6:30 pm
9:00 am - 12:00 pm


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