5 Lesser Known Tips For Relieving Neck Pain

5 Lesser Known Tips For Relieving Neck PainNeck pain tips from Anderson Chiropractic in McMurray, PA

Do you suffer from persistent neck pain? If so, then before you turn to medication or other unnatural methods to find relief, there are some lesser known, natural alternatives that could do the trick. 

Increase Your Water Intake

Did you know that each of the vertebrae in your spine has a disc that's filled with fluid to prevent spinal aches and pains? Those discs are made up of around 80% water, so if you're not properly hydrated, then these discs could be degenerated and won't be able to do their jobs as well. Make sure you're drinking at least eight glasses of water per day.

Check Your Posture

Consider your lifestyle habits. Do you spend most of your day hunched over a computer desk? Do you spend a lot of time on your feet without proper arch support? These could all be contributing factors to neck pain. Take the time to work on your posture and making sure your spine is properly supported all day long.

See a Chiropractor

Most people think about seeing a chiropractor for back pain, but they can help with neck pain too! A spinal adjustment or spinal decompression could be just what you need to alleviate pain in your neck, especially pain caused by herniated or bulging discs. In some cases, massage therapy may also do the trick.

Try a New Pillow

Do you tend to wake up with neck pain? If so, then the problem could be your pillow. Try making a switch to a pillow with memory foam support. You might be surprised what a difference the right neck support can make while you sleep.

Incorporate Swimming

Finally, if you work out regularly, make sure the exercises you're doing aren't putting excessive strain on your neck. Swimming is a great exercise for burning calories that's also low-impact on your body, so consider working it into your routine.

Schedule An Appointment With Anderson Chiropractic

If you're interested in seeing a chiropractor for help with your neck pain, contact Anderson Chiropractic today.

Which of these tips will you try for relieving your neck pain?

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