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Auto Accident Injury

Treating an Auto Accident Injury at the Infinite Healing Center in Mesa

A motor vehicle accident often happens when someone least expects it. When an accident takes place, everyone needs to seek medical care from a trained professional. At Infinite Healing Center, we want everyone in the Mesa and East Valley area to know that our chiropractors will place your needs first. There are a few common conditions that we see after a motor vehicle accident.


Examples of Common Auto Accident Injuries Treated at the Infinite Healing Center

Some of the most common motor vehicle accident injuries we see include:

Dashboard Knee: This is one of the most common knee injuries that someone might suffer in a motor vehicle accident. This injury occurs when the car stops short, leading someone to slam their knee into the dashboard. When this happens, the posterior cruciate ligament, also known as the PCL, can become sprained or torn. This will lead to extensive knee pain and swelling. We have a variety of treatment options to handle this.

Whiplash:  This is the colloquial name given to a sprain of the upper cervical ligaments. These are ligaments that connect the top few vertebrae of the spine. In a car accident, rapid shifts in momentum will cause the neck to bounce around. This can place a lot of stress on these ligaments, leading to a serious sprain. As a result, people might not be able to move their neck from side to side. At the Infinite Healing Center, we can address this injury.

Pain in the Back: Back pain is frequently seen in an auto accident. This pain might arise due to a number of different problems. For example, some people might have a bulging disc. Others might have a bruise somewhere near the spine. Still, more people might have a compression fracture that is affecting one or more vertebrae. We have the training to look at someone's back pain and provide an effective treatment option.

Ankle Injuries:  Injuries involving the ankle are often overlooked after a motor vehicle accident; however, ankle injuries can be quite serious. If someone gets his or her ankle pinned at the front of the car in the accident, this can lead to a bone fracture, a torn ligament, or something else entirely. At Infinite Healing Center, we know how to diagnose and treat numerous ankle injuries.

Contact the Infinite Healing Center to Learn More

At the Infinite Healing Center in Mesa, we are here to serve the local population. To learn more about how a chiropractor in our office can help you, please call us today at (480) 985-7070 to schedule an appointment! We are here to help everyone who walks through our doors.


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