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VA Care

Chiropractic Care for Veterans

Infinite Healing Center in Mesa, AZ, is committed to providing chiropractic care for veterans. Our services are based on utilizing our medical expertise and experience in a range of healing modalities, including chiropractic care, Western allopathic medicine, massage therapy, natural medicine, and acupuncture.


Our mission is to help you in achieving or restoring wellness. We take a holistic approach to health, which includes not only working to address your musculoskeletal issues but also providing targeted corrective exercise programs, nutritional assessments, and physiotherapy.

Discover Your Vibrant Good Health

You've served your country with honor, now it's time to be shown the respect and care that you deserve. It is an honor to provide medical care that addresses the needs of our military veterans. The staff at Infinite Healing Center are committed to serving you well by providing optimum health and healing modalities.

We implement VA care to meet the unique needs of the armed forces. The intense and rigorous training involved in serving in the military places veterans at risk for an assortment of health issues. Experiencing daily pain, especially in the back and joints, is not uncommon for our vets. Chiropractic care provides benefits for veterans, both active and inactive, in reducing or eliminating the pain that may accrue from the demanding nature of military duties. Some of the issues that veterans face that can be addressed through chiropractic care include pain management, enhancing mobility, stress reduction, and relief from headaches.

Through chiropractic treatment, you can regain the function that you thought was lost. We will work to identify the root of your pain or discomfort to create an individualized care plan incorporating chiropractic adjustments, corrective exercises, medical and therapeutic massage, and other treatments.

As you know from your military service, it takes the entire unit to complete a successful mission. That's why we bring the expertise of the physicians and therapists at Infinite Healing Center to meet your health care needs.

We’re Committed to Caring for Our Veterans

The medical professionals at Infinite Healing Center in Mesa, AZ, are dedicated to implementing real solutions that address your unique needs. Chiropractic care can provide long-lasting results and deliver the pain relief that you deserve. Call us today at (480) 985-7070 to schedule your appointment.


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