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Scoliosis is a bend in the spine that progresses through a lifetime and can cause extraordinary pain. Scoliosis is defined as a curve in the spine that is 10 degrees or more. It is a disorder that can progress to a point where there are serious health problems. If it is caught and treated early, the progression of the disease can be slowed down. Our chiropractors at Infinite Healing Center can develop a scoliosis pain management and treatment program that is customized to your specific needs. Schedule an appointment and start your chiropractic care today.


The Causes of Scoliosis

Scoliosis is caused by a number of conditions, with genetics playing a large role in the disease. Other causes of scoliosis include:

• Neuromuscular conditions 

• Birth defects

• Injuries and spinal infections


The symptoms of scoliosis are intense with most people experiencing back pain and body pain progressing through their lifetime. Other symptoms include:

• Shoulders that are not even or one being more prominent than the other 

• Uneven waist

• Hips that are not even

This disease can lead to chronic back pain and even conditions such as lung and heart damage.

Scoliosis Pain Management and Treatment

Scoliosis begins as a simple bend or curve in the spine. The bend often starts small and could be due to something as simple as a misaligned vertebra. With time, the body tries to compensate for that improper alignment, with the muscles pulling and curves expanding. This can cause extraordinary pain that can last a lifetime. Chiropractic care for scoliosis pain management includes treatment for back pain, and pain that can work into the neck, shoulders, and even the buttocks. It is also often linked to sciatica.

One of our chiropractors will perform a scoliosis exam to determine the severity of your condition. Once the diagnosis has been conducted, our chiropractor will take a full medical history to determine the risk factors. We will create a plan to reverse the progression of the disease. Spinal adjustments are a common part of treatment plans for scoliosis. We can also help with exercises designed to treat the joints and provide pain relief. Best of all, we do not rely on pain medication or invasive procedures like surgery to produce results.

Contact Our Chiropractors in Mesa, AZ

At Infinite Healing Center, we provide chiropractic care to treat scoliosis. If you have been diagnosed with scoliosis and are considering chiropractic care, call our team today at (480) 985-7070 to schedule a consultation with one of our chiropractors.


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