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MSK DIagnostic Ultrasound

MSK Diagnostic Ultrasound Provided by Infinite Healing Center in Gilbert and Mesa, AZ

A musculoskeletal (MSK) diagnostic ultrasound is a special type of imaging that allows our chiropractor at Infinite Healing Center, serving Gilbert, Mesa, and the surrounding Arizona area, to view inside of your body. We utilize ultrasound technology to diagnose various musculoskeletal problems in your back, neck, and various other areas throughout your body. With on-site MSK imaging, we can diagnose your problem quickly and correctly. 

Woman Getting Ultrasound

About MSK Diagnostic Ultrasound Testing

In most cases, if you have any type of musculoskeletal pain, our first course of action is to determine the cause. Often, this entails performing an MSK ultrasound. In comparison to an X-ray, an ultrasound allows us to see your internal structure in real time. It doesn't expose you to high amounts of radiation. Not to mention, with an ultrasound, we can view your muscles and other soft tissue in motion. Ultimately, it's a more accurate method for the diagnosis of injuries and ailments related to your musculoskeletal system. 

The ultrasound itself uses sound waves to capture images of the inside of your body. The transducer we place up to your body sends sound waves that help us see the shape and size of your muscles as well as if you have any disease or damage to the soft tissues.

Examples of Conditions We Can Diagnose With an Ultrasound

We can diagnose issues with the tendons including tears and tendonitis. Ultrasounds are useful in diagnosing tears and sprains in the ligaments and muscles as well. If you have any kind of inflammation or fluid retention, an ultrasound can determine that too. If you have any nerve entrapment, masses, or bone spurs, this form of imaging can diagnose that as well. 

If our chiropractor diagnoses you with a condition or issue, you may need continuous monitoring to ensure you're healing properly. The test can help us improve your treatment. 

What to Expect From an Ultrasound

You need to wear comfortable clothing. You shouldn't wear any type of jewelry unless you're willing to remove it for the test.

The first step of the process consists of our chiropractor situating you in the best position to obtain the images, which varies based on the area you have pain in. For instance, if you have back pain, our chiropractor will ask you to lay down on your stomach. You receive a water-based gel that allows the transducer to make contact with the body part without sticking to it. 

You won't experience any discomfort or pain from the test. You might feel a bit of pressure where the transducer is. You might not like the feel of the gel at first, but it's wiped off immediately after the test. 

Contact Infinite Health Center in Gilbert and Mesa Today

Schedule an appointment with our chiropractor at Infinite Health Center, serving Gilbert and Mesa, Arizona, by calling (480) 985-7070



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