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Sports Rehab Therapy

Participating in organized sports is a great way to stay in shape and to spend time with friends. Many sports, however, put added stress on the body. Impact and over training can also cause injuries. At Infinite Healing Center, serving Mesa, AZ, we provide sports rehab therapy to help athletes stay at the top of their game. Keep reading to learn more. 


Common Sports Injuries 

Being aware of some of the most common sports injuries can help athletes stay aware of risks and keep an eye out for possible symptoms. 


Sprains are considered a common type of sports injury that cause pain and decrease mobility. Sprains can happen when a part of the body is overextended. The soft tissues which connect muscles and bones together are made to stretch to some extent, but there is a limit to how far these tissues can stretch. 


Athletes can also be at risk for overusing or overtraining muscles. Muscles are naturally built to break down, repair, and grow. However, when not given enough recovery time in between training sessions, muscles can become fatigued, sore, and in extreme cases, the muscle fibers can become damaged. 

Rotator cuff and knee injuries also affect athletes as well. When the joints of the shoulder or the joints in the knee are overworked, sensitive cartilage in the area can become damaged. This can lead to painful conditions. 

Our Chiropractor in Mesa Can Help

Finding ways to help athletes deal with injuries is essential to recovery. While mainstream medicine can provide treatment for painful symptoms, this is often not enough to obtain long-term healing. Athletes often prefer to avoid the use of medications with harsh side effects or addictive properties as well. 

Chiropractic care provides drug-free therapies to help athletes recover and heal naturally. Let's look at some of the therapies available.

  • Hot/cold therapy - Hot and cold therapy provides pain relief and speeds recovery for over-trained muscles or sprained joints. 
  • Massage Therapy - Many athletes find that they can speed muscle recovery by undergoing massage therapy on a regular basis. 
  • Spinal adjustment - Spinal adjustment is an important part of sports rehabilitation. Keeping the spine properly aligned helps athletes to avoid injuries and keep their bodies in optimum health. 

To learn more about our services, contact us at Infinite Healing Center, serving Mesa, AZ. Call 480-985-7070 today to schedule an appointment.


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