

Strong immune system

I am talking about your immune system in this article and your immune system is synonymous with the police system in society along with second amendment rights to bear arms. It is interesting that on occasion a person's immune system will betray its owner mistakenly. This is called auto immunity. But let's not talk about auto immunity. The CDC director just announced no need for masks if you have been vaccinated EXCEPT she said if you have a weak immune system. What the CDC director is rightly saying is if you have a weak immune system you are still at risk. I have been saying for the last year that having a strong immune system is the most important aspect as far as staying healthy. Many people have weak immune systems and do not even know it. How does your immune system get weak? A not so good diet can lead to a weak immune system and having been ill a few times can also weaken the system. 

It should make sense to you that something that gets worked hard can get rundown. I will tell you that people who die with Covid-19 all have weak immune systems. They usually have other weak systems but they definitely have a weak immune system. The old story of you get what you push has a lot of truth in it when it comes to health. If you push health you will be healthier than you are now. Drugs, unfortunately, rarely bring health. That is because your body is not drug deficient. It is nutrition deficit. It is very hard to get a very healthy diet in today's world.

The supplements we use at the Spearman Better Health Center are made of rare to the diet special food concentrates. That is the only reason they work. Simple. We select supplements based on the weaknesses we find in your organs. The approach is better than blood tests. Blood tests are good and we can certainly evaluate them but they are limited. If you have one bring it in. We actually tune up your body so that it stays healthy.

You should see all the people that recover their health when they get chiropractic and do enough nutritional supplements. It is not an instant fix for most people because the average person is not that healthy. The exceptional person can work into their 70s at a full time job and do other activities as well. We have many such people. The thing about these people is they keep at it over years and, bingo!, magically they are vibrant even into what many of us would consider old age. Can I beat it into the earth more? Probably, but let’s leave it at that and remember your immune system.


Dr. Mike Spearman


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