
Mom And Her Covid Vaccine


Here I am at home on my day off writing this article. Perhaps I had nothing better to do, however I think the article in The Epoch Times newspaper entitled "Deaths of Elderly Who Recovered from COVID -19, But Died After Vaccine, Raises Questions". Add to this the fact that I okayed the caregivers of my almost 91 year old mother at her assisted living location to give her the two doses of vaccine which she received a few weeks ago. She experienced no side effects from either vaccine. 

One other point: I have checked many people over the years with a stress test for the spleen and the thymus gland and sometimes find these two immune organs weakened from ideal levels. This weakening is often preexisting and otherwise often shows up after a person has been ill including people who have had Covid-19. This more or less gives you the data I had when deciding to write this article. I could add that I have been using specialized supplements successfully on a variety of mild to severe non-optimum conditions for 25 years on thousands of people. This of course gives me experience but also perhaps some positive bias on what I will cover next.

Let's take my mom for starters. She is 65 pounds over weight, has medicine controlled hypertension, and has type II diabetes for which she is also on medication. About two years I got her into the assisted living facility. Before that I could never get her to take her supplements and most of the at home caregivers seemed incompetent at getting her to take them. After she arrived at the assisted living facility she has been on six to ten supplements daily. When Covid-19 came along I put her additionally on Epimune by Standard Process for a month followed by Immuplex from Standard Process for six weeks and on a capsule of garlic ever since. She has also been on 500 milligrams of vitamin C with bioflavonoids for a year. So my mom's immune was boosted the whole time for 10 months before she got the vaccine. Next, people who have been ill or have had Covid-19 usually have weakened or non-ideal stress tested immune systems (spleen and thymus) and giving them usually Immuplex perks up their systems. Now the old people in the article in the Epoch Times who survived Covid-19 but died within minutes to hours after the vaccine seems odd. By the way there were four people in the same facility covered in the article. 

My conclusion is that the vaccine is not the primary cause of these deaths or the common side effects the vaccine can import on people that are fairly healthy. My conclusion is that the deaths of elderly people who died right after the vaccination is due to an already rundown immune system from the actual Covid-19 they had recently suffered from and the immune stress of the vaccine was too much for their immune systems to deal with. The solution, ideally, of course is to build up your immune system before this or any vaccine and that this will greatly reduce side effects from vaccines whether they be mild ranging all the way to fatal. Unfortunately, many people feel they cannot afford supplements such as my mom had access to. Vaccines are often being paid for by insurances and, in the current Covid pandemic, are being paid for by the federal government. If you can afford a supplement such as I mention above why not improve your bets by using them. Perhaps down the road the government will give anyone who wants a bottle of Immuplex. Imagine that!! 


Dr. Mike Spearman


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