
What About CANCER?


Many billions have been spent over the last fifty years trying to cure cancer. Overall progress is nil or possibly there is even more in the USA. Some approaches have been successful. For example early detection of breast or other cancers can often result in removal of the cancer before it spreads or metastasizes. But reducing the incidence of cancer is not much of an area of success or even interest in research. There is not so much money in prevention. But this is what the USA needs. We spend over twice as much money on health care as any other country but rank 37th behind Costa Rica in overall health. I smell a rat. In my view our food system, the chemicals our food and the consumption of over-refined foods as our key problem. The public eats this stuff up like blind sheep going to the slaughterhouse. Our food system is designed to maximize profit not health and there is little tradition in US culture like in Europe, for example, to provide healthy food. 

In 1905 cancer was the 4th or 5th leading cause of death. Today it competes with cardiovascular disease for first place. “March against cancer.” That is what we hear. This is spreading to other strange conditions like Parkinson's disease. The march against Parkinson's is next Saturday. These events are fun in themselves but they exist to raise funds for chemists and medical doctors to research for the cure. Think of these diseases as degenerative conditions. In a culture where we have extended our life spans to 80 years, degenerative disease is the most important thing to consider. Preventative action in the whole food system is where we can win. The chemists and those making xenobiotic concoctions can lose out. Even the chemists have a place in disease that is not understood such as psoriatic arthritis or type 1 diabetes. But our main aim should be to keep the chemicals out of the body because the body will always have trouble dealing with them. And cancer is a breakdown of the normal metabolic activity of the body, just like these strange chemicals alter the normal metabolic activity of the body. Here lies a worthwhile stable fact to consider. While the profiteers in healthcare will never follow this line of promotion, you the individual can.


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