

None of us really takes full advantage of all there is available to make vibrant health. In a book I read titled The Next Trillion: Why the Wellness Industry Will Exceed the $1 Trillion Healthcare (Sickness) Industry in the Next Ten Years written in 2001 the author, Paul Zane Pilzer, predicts that the wellness industry will overtake the pharmaceutical industry in 10 years. That is good news. Look at the desperate pushing of vaccines which the public cannot sue the drug companies for when side effects such as autism result. But health is moving forward at least in the informed public. Sickness is marching forward in the uninformed. With that lead-in let me suggest to each of you who is part of the baby boomer generation to consider the neuromuscular rejuvenation program. Here is a short article to inform you.  


There is not an entry for "rejuvenation" in my 2000 page medical dictionary. It means to regain youthful vigor or appearance. Rejuvenation is possible in nutrition if not in medicine. Your muscle system is half of your total body mass and includes your heart, much of the digestive tract, your arteries and veins, the diaphragm (so you can breathe) as well as the muscles you control or that work without your attention. Rejuvenating this muscle system can make a significant change in how your body feels and functions. I have done the program twice in 7 years and find that everyone over 50 definitely needs it. This program is unique and I doubt you can find anything like it anywhere. It takes 4 months of supplementation to complete.

Here are a few success stories so you can see benefits. This program is for anyone who wants similar results. 

This success story is from a lady who had done extensive nutritional diet and supplement handling previously. She had fallen 3 times and was starting to use a cane which she did not need after the program. 
“I am 85 years old. I started Dr. Spearman’s program last month. I took the required supplements and toward the end of the first month I realized I had much more energy and felt more stable when I was walking. The change is very welcome. I am continuing the program expecting even more wins.” JN   

This next success story is from a 60 year old smoker. 
“So far, on the muscle program, I have experienced a greater fluidity of motion and no kickbacks after physical exertion. This makes life a lot easier and more comfortable, and enables me to pursue a more active lifestyle.” BR   

Here is a 59 year old's story. 
“I have been on Dr. Spearman’s Muscle Rejuvenation Program for about 3 months and am definitely experiencing the promised improvements. Being over 55 I had begun to notice a general weakening in my strength over the past few years. Working in construction I need to be able to use my body rigorously each and every day. Since beginning the program there has been a consistent improvement of the general tone of my body. The muscles feel tighter and I even have a better sense of balance and coordination. The men on my crew are all in their twenties and thirties, and they have commented on how I have been able to keep pace with them during the most strenuous jobs. The doctor’s initial and ongoing muscle testing, plus his thorough explanation of the supplements and how they work, have made the entire program very understandable. One surprising improvement is my ability to breathe fully and deeply. It hadn’t occurred to me before that breathing requires muscles to expand and contract the lungs. The ease with which I can breathe and the quantity of air taken in is very pronounced at this point. That alone has made the program highly valuable for me. The supplements are easy to take… I value the superior quality of the Standard Process products used in the program. Having done many nutritional programs through the years… I am impressed with this program and recommend it without reservation to anyone wishing to recover their natural muscle health.” DT
I am so happy that I was able to discover this program and the potential it fulfills for the over 50 age group of people. I hope you see the opportunity and take advantage of it as well.  


Dr. Mike Spearman                                             


We look forward to hearing from you


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