These days, we're learning that even the most sophisticated and advanced technology--smart phones, tablets, and laptops--may pose health risks to humans. One of those risks, known as "text neck," is considered by many to be a growing public health concern, affecting millions of people of all ages and from all over the world. The chiropractors in Raleigh and the surrounding areas at Chiropractic Partners have some tips for prevention and pain relief from text neck.


What Is Text Neck?

Attributed to Dr. Dean Fishman, the term "text neck" refers to a syndrome caused by prolonged forward bending of the neck and rounding of the shoulders frequently seen as people hunch over their phones to text, surf the web, and so on.

Prolonged and frequent flexion of the neck and upper back can lead to strain on important muscles, ligaments, and tissues within the spine. It can also lead to bony abnormalities, altered pressure on spinal discs and nerves, and changes within spinal joints. This can cause symptoms including:

  • Pain and numbness in the neck, shoulders, upper back, and arms

  • Headaches

  • Impaired mental focus

If left unchecked, text neck can even increase a person's risk of chronic health problems including arthritis, nerve damage, decreased lung volume capacity, disc herniation, and gastrointestinal problems.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help Relieve My Stiff Neck and Shoulder Pain?

The use of smart devices and mobile phones on the rise, but there is little public awareness on the importance of proper posture when utilizing such technology.  This is where chiropractic care can make a big difference.

Our team of chiropractors in Raleigh and surrounding communities work carefully with people to both treat and prevent text neck. Our experienced team utilizes drug-free and all-natural approaches to healing including chiropractic adjustments, massage, spinal decompression, and more. The strategy we use for prevention includes postural screenings, lifestyle counseling, and body mechanics training. Our goal is to relieve symptoms and provide valuable education to help every patient achieve and maintain whole-body wellness. 

Get Text Neck Relief From Our Chiropractors In Raleigh

Is your cell phone causing you neck pain? Contact any of our ten locations today to speak with a chiropractor in Raleigh about text neck relief! Schedule your first appointment today.


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