Services From Your Wake Forest Chiropractor

At Chiropractic Partners in Wake Forest NC, we help patients manage their pain and boost their immune system with natural, holistic techniques. Our chiropractor, Dr. Russ Redd, is an award-winning chiropractor educated at Logan College of Chiropractic. Whether you’re experiencing pain from a chronic condition, seeking treatment for an injury or are looking for natural ways to get healthy and stay healthy, chiropractic care from Dr. Russ Redd can help.

wake forest NC chiropractor providing chiropractic services to patient in Raliehg

We offer the following services to our patients:

  • Muscle stimulation. This technique uses electrical impulses to stimulate the muscles, rehabilitate damaged tissues and help patients recover from injuries. Muscle stimulation is also used by athletes and body builders to during training, to help the body build up strength.

  • Massage. Massage therapy can provide pain relief while stimulating the flow of blood in injured areas, thus speeding the healing process and reducing patient stress. Massage therapy can also be used to improve mobility after an accident.

  • Exercise. Exercises can help patients improve range of motion, reduce muscle stiffness and build up strength. Therapeutic stretches and exercise can also help the patient avoid injury during sports training.

  • Nutrition counseling. Nutrition counseling services help patients eat healthy meals, boost their immune system and get the energy they need to make it through the day.

  • Lifestyle advice. Many patients engage in behaviors that can lead to health problems. Your chiropractor at can administer lifestyle advice that can help you improve your health by making small changes to your habits.

Chiropractic Adjustment

Chiropractic adjustment is the process of restoring balance to the vertebrae of the spine. Chiropractic adjustment can be done by hand or with special tools. At Chiropractic Partners in Wake Forest, we use a variety of techniques for administering chiropractic adjustments, to meet the needs of our diverse patient population.

  • Active release technique. Active release technique is a soft-tissue treatment system that breaks down scar tissue and allows chiropractors to pinpoint the exact area in the body where the muscles are the most tight.

  • Cox flexion/distraction. This gentle form of spinal adjustment is used to treat pain in the back, shoulders, neck and extremities, as well as pregnancy related back pain

  • Diversified technique. Diversified technique is the classic technique that all chiropractors are taught in school. Diversified technique can treat a range of illnesses and conditions.

  • Activator technique.  This high-speed, low force technique uses a mechanical tool to perform adjustments and heal injuries.

Contact Your Chiropractor in Wake Forest

At Chiropractic Partners, we help patients manage their pain. To find out more about our services or to make an appointment, call us today!


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